Example sentences of "course [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 It is up to each one of us , he wrote , at every point in our lives , to decide how much order and how much disorder , how much discipline and how much freedom we need for the best realization of our project of the moment , even though that project may turn out to be flawed or even utterly mistaken in the short run , of course I am only talking about the short run , he wrote , in the long run , as I have already said , both success and failure are quite without meaning , the notion of meaning is quite without meaning .
2 My parents still do n't know what course I am pursuing at a college of education .
3 ‘ Of course I am . ’
4 ‘ Of course I am . ’
5 ‘ It took me a while to realise that of course I am not really opening a window : something is zooming forward and appearing out of nothing .
6 But of course I am aware that people want me to do lots of things because I am Kylie Minogue . ’
7 ‘ Of course I am !
8 ‘ Of course I am right , sergeant !
9 Yes , of course I am disgruntled , but not for the reasons you may adduce .
10 I am referring , after all , to a series of very minor errors on my part and the course I am now pursuing is merely a means of pre-empting any ‘ problems ’ before one arises .
11 Of course I am addicted to Alexis although I admit the entire thing is very far fetched .
12 Of course I am in full agreement with you that the market for IT products is growing and will continue to expand in the foreseeable future .
13 ‘ Of course I am , ’ say I. ‘ Never been more serious in my life .
14 As part of my degree course I am required to make a study of the impact of the General Strike of 1926 on Alton and the surrounding area .
15 ‘ Of course I am , Mrs Longhill .
16 I used a shade that is lighter than most soils , although of course I am used to looking out of the window at our bright reddish-brown soil here in Devon !
17 ‘ Of course I am , ’ said Hatch angrily .
18 ‘ I have played alongside internationals wherever I have been , so of course I am a better player , ’ he said .
19 ‘ Of course I am .
20 ‘ Of course I am . ’
21 The board processes themselves often do not work , so one often hears the remark : the company policy is X , but of course I am not personally in support of this , I believe we should be doing Y. Since industrial success depends totally on getting the concentration of effort of widely differing groups of people with different skills to be applied at optimum effect to the achievement of the common goal , it is not difficult to see why such disparate messages strike at one 's heart and give one a more than usual dose of despair .
22 It was the last lesson of the day and I could n't help it , but I come out with a big burp in the middle of the lesson and she goes , ‘ Fay , are you feeling all right ? ’ and I says , ‘ Yes Miss , of course I am ’ , and then she goes to me when I did it again , ‘ FAY ! ’ and I goes , ‘ It 's all right ’ , I goes , ‘ Pardon me , Miss .
23 " Of course I am , if that will give you what you want from life . "
24 ‘ Of course I am .
25 So far as the availability of evidence before the justices , again , I say little because of the course I am going to take but there clearly was evidence for them to consider and assess .
26 Again , I am not going to say anything about the length of the order or how it should be arrived at , because of the course I am going to take .
27 ‘ Of course I am .
28 ‘ Of course I am no scholar though , ’ a risk , ‘ we soldiers must at times have a scholar 's curiosity . ’
29 And of course I am not an unworldly man — the Earl , my brother , whom I 'm sure you will meet , will assure you that I am , by his standards , too interested in confirming and enlarging the wealth of the estates — and indeed on my visits to Egypt and Turkey and the New World I have , I may say , made a purchase here , an investment there … ’
30 ‘ Of course I am , ’ she mumbled drowsily .
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