Example sentences of "high than the " in BNC.

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1 For the starvelings it had to suffice that His Munificent Highness personally attached the greatest importance to their fate , which was a very special kind of attachment , of an order higher than the highest .
2 The kicking knee rises higher than the target as the guard is held in place .
3 Where there are two people in the property the reduction will be given if two community charges are higher than the rates bill plus £52 .
4 This is thought to be a mite higher than the brewery workers in Hartlepool will draw on the dole even if the management buyout of Cameron 's Brewery is successful .
5 ‘ The critical current calculated is already higher than the critical current first reported for the high-temperature superconducting materials based on copper-oxide compounds , ’ says George Gruner , director of UCLA 's Solid State Science Centre .
6 Tootal 's is around 35 per cent higher than the group would like , and an interest charge that should be declining was a fifth higher than last year .
7 It stands on a small hill , higher than the other villas , with a private approach road and a large balcony looking out to sea .
8 At 707p a share , which is higher than the top end of the range indicated in the pathfinder prospectus , Eurodisney offers an average return of 13.3 per cent , compared to more than 17 per cent for Eurotunnel when it was floated .
9 The index has risen by over 60 per cent while turnover is much higher than the Swedish market , with its much larger market capitalisation .
10 Here the degree of complicity is , and perhaps has to be , far higher than the viewer ever suspects .
11 It gave the 33,000 manual workforce 8.9 per cent , which at the time was considerably higher than the ‘ going rate ’ .
12 ‘ The benefit is higher than the cost , ’ he said .
13 See , now I deliberately sit , when I 'm out in a Land Rover , with one arm up a bit higher than the other and one leg a bit higher .
14 Thatcher scored 8 per cent higher than the other leaders in the Pre-Campaign Wave , but by the end of the campaign all four leaders enjoyed very similar scores .
15 This meant a huge rise of £1¼ billion in public-sector wage settlements in 1979–80 and drove inflation up far higher than the Callaghan government had ever done previously .
16 As this was higher than the average rate over such a period that had been experienced at any historical time , something had to be done .
17 The counter in the shop was a little kiosk with a till which stood slightly higher than the rest of the room .
18 Audi 's new 100 makes its showroom debut in May at prices no more than four to five per cent higher than the current range .
19 Because , at this level , the floor of the extension is considerably higher than the floor of the main block , the master bedroom is reached from this landing via a flight of five stairs .
20 The eastern half was a warehouse , a storey higher than the mill and built later , around 1890 .
21 This is substantially higher than the average yield of shares quoted on the Stock Exchange .
22 Mr Ridley said that manufacturing output was now at a record level — 12 per cent higher than in 1979 , and 6 per cent higher than the previous all-time peak in 1974 , and accused Labour politicians of being like ‘ quack doctors ’ — claiming the country was ill and prescribing a cure that in reality would only make the country worse off .
23 Although no incentive frills are attached to a National Savings Investment Account , the variable interest rate paid gross ( currently 11.75 per cent ) tends to be around 3 per cent higher than the best net rates offered by the major competitors .
24 Their plans for growth are threatened by their apparent inability to find , retain and manage key staff — in fact , they rate the problem higher than the level of interest rates .
25 Although no incentive frills are attached to a National Savings Investment Account , the variable interest rate paid gross ( currently 11.75 per cent ) tends to be around 3 per cent higher than the best net rates offered by the major competitors .
26 Although no incentive frills are attached to a National Savings Investment Account , the variable interest rate paid gross ( currently 11.75 per cent ) tends to be around 3 per cent higher than the best net rates offered by the major competitors .
27 Net new investment in unit trusts last month was £339.4million , some 30 per cent higher than the monthly average so far this year .
28 Out-patient visits were 8 per cent higher than the previous year .
29 THE outcome of the first commercial rating revaluation in England and Wales for 16 years has produced increases higher than the Government predicted , it was disclosed yesterday .
30 The arch consists of two sets of colossal forearms , each weighing 20 tons and higher than the Arc de Triomphe , which seem to burst from the ground at opposite ends of a 90-metre public space .
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