Example sentences of "ask she for " in BNC.

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1 Although he was still hungry , he decided against asking her for second helpings now that he had forgotten to use her new name at the very first test .
2 But she was gone before I could finish asking her for help , borne away by three identically dressed musketeers , waving her whip in the air , and lost in the crowds again .
3 Confuse a waitress by asking her for a Big Mac and chips ?
4 A man in rags asked her for the price of a cup of tea .
5 Her mother so seldom asked her for anything , she realised with a jolt .
6 My old gran did n't bother with recipes and if anybody asked her for one she 'd say ‘ Oh , I do n't bother wi' them things .
7 Félicie waited with him for news of the birth , and during the anxious time Modi asked her for advice , knowing that Jeanne was too preoccupied in looking after him and coping with her mother 's often unhelpful interference to look after a new baby alone .
8 Kevin : Well , I 'd jist got my Giro , So I asked her for a Biro — If she
9 He then asked her for another £46,500 , claiming he needed the money to secure the bonds , and paid that , too , into his account .
10 They asked her for ‘ pen portraits ’ of the seven children who were pupils at the school .
11 Just as Debbie was about to wind up the window , he suddenly asked her for a lift , saying he only lived 5 minutes down the road and could she drop him on her way ?
12 When he failed to persuade her to cancel it , he asked her for a date — and romance blossomed .
13 She even asked her for them ; she asked her what she thought she should do .
14 Leo asked her for the second time .
15 I asked her for help — I wanted to go back to Scotland !
16 Kit knelt in front of Ariel and cried ; he asked her for forgiveness .
17 After her marriage Signor Cantoni 's mother had seemed unable to bear a child so she took a large bunch of carnations to the Madonna and asked her for the gift of a baby .
18 At Zog Central they found the policewoman and asked her for the key to their spaceship .
19 I never asked her for total commitment ( after all , if I were into monogamy would I have done such a good job of dangling that little Limnititzker tsatskeleh in front of her nose ? ) , but I would have hoped the woman would stand by me in a crisis .
20 ‘ What 's — the matter this morning ? ’ she said , in the voice she had used when he asked her for an off-games note .
21 Having had the good fortune to fall in with Gabriel outside Cat 's Coffee Shop as she was on her way home , he had seized his chance and asked her for an early supper .
22 Yes , I know how we got talking to this girl in the Post Office cos I erm I asked her for some stamps as well , you see , I wanted some cos I happen to be sending stuff of for Germany tomorrow .
23 With an effort she walked across the room to Jerry , who had so often asked her for a date and who , given any encouragement , would have been a frequent visitor to Blue Ash Farm .
24 She rose , tripping round the table as if Benjamin had asked her for a dance .
25 He had never asked her for her heart .
26 His technique was to go up to one at a literary party and ask her for a cigarette .
27 ‘ What will people think when those children ask her for an improper story ! ’
28 Would you like to go to grandma and ask her for a cloth ?
29 Ask her for it I am , she 's alright , she 's
30 Get your feet off your ask her for it then !
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