Example sentences of "ask for something " in BNC.

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1 At a function in Bucharest the British Ambassador asked for something from home .
2 I had a fair idea as to who had done it , and I passed on my suspicions about so-and-so and so-and-so , and asked for something to be done about it .
3 Yet , surprisingly , when we asked for something else they obliged with a number of better films .
4 You think that 's especially true and like say Aberdeen if you go in a shop there and and , at least it used to be the case , and asked for something you be thought you were speaking fine but they would just say , Oh my you down from Orkney for a holiday ?
5 And even if the Host is still able to hope that the Monk will show another side to his character as a tale-teller , the Monk will not , and retreats into a sort of sulky silence after being interrupted and asked for something less serious : The Monk as a character is explicitly and repeatedly compared and contrasted with the teller who succeeds him , the Nun 's Priest .
6 So what we 're , he 's gone in asked for something .
7 You asked for something rarer lasts a bit longer .
8 Now in some obscure way Rachel was asking for something , for help , for reassurance , for permission .
9 He said it with an odd , teasing leer , as though he were asking for something very difficult , and when the boy spoke he sounded awkward , his voice high and polite .
10 She felt much less used and abused when she could distinguish whether his hugs were genuine offers of warmth and love towards her or whether they were his means of asking for something just for himself .
11 Needless to say , Hollywood does n't give away presents without asking for something in return .
12 Er so there will be er a loss to us there of about three hundred pounds because erm we were asking for something to be made and therefore I think I would say quite rightly but in view of this experience perhaps never again , er made some advance contribution , you know to the cost or made some , gave some money in advance blah blah blah .
13 Once again Scott felt that she was asking for something unreasonable , something a child might ask of a parent .
14 I spent a good while asking for something written down so that I could see what I was and was n't supposed to do , but that was a forlorn hope .
15 Almost the first thing Mathers said was , ‘ You 're asking for something you ca n't get . ’
16 ‘ It 's the little things that are frustrating , ’ said Jane Olds , ‘ such as not being able to ask if they 're warm , or not understanding if they 're asking for something . ’
17 He certainly seems to have been asking for something , if not something quite as drastic as he got .
18 I mean you know if if you were complaining about something or if you were asking for something you 'd be asking for it because you knew what you wanted only as you said it 's all about being clear about what you want
19 All they 're doing is asking for something to eat , but it can be quite painful
20 Now I do n't think many people realized that asking for the maintenance of standards , rather than perhaps the changing of standards , was asking for something that was almost diametrically opposed to asking for an educational system that was more geared towards preparing children for adult life and productive work .
21 erm We 've got to recognise the professional advice that Matthew is giving us in this report , that he , he needs professional trained staff , and it grieves me that really we can only offer a technician when he is asking for something more .
22 The child asks for something and is told she can not have it .
23 The Nazis must have known that the Poles would not release Danzig without a struggle — indeed , they had asked for something they knew the Poles would not give .
24 Appropriate enough this week , but I wonder what Basil would send in if asked for something pleasant and lyrical .
25 exercise that you do in terms of assertion in terms of helping build people 's assertion is what we call a broken record exercise , okay where one person wants something and the other person is trying to change their minds , okay , you get it in conversation when people do n't take you seriously and you 've asked for something and they do n't take you serious they try and avoid the point , they try and change the subject .
26 and you ask for something simple — a return ticket ,
27 Somewhere along the way , call into a cheese shop and buy some sliced Gouda to sustain you ; ask for something old and it will come hard , dry , salty and orange — a prince among cheeses and a revelation to anyone who thought Dutch cheese was that yellow soap they sell in wax balls .
28 When I ask for something it is because I think it is worth trying but in this case the very clear proviso about needing to buy was a strong psychological deterrent to investing the time and effort needed to learn yet another keyboard technique and language .
29 It 's a strange but true fact : the majority of guitarists who order custom electrics from a specialised builder actually ask for something that 's pretty conventional .
30 ‘ Christ , I ask for something positive and they come shooting at us from all angles .
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