Example sentences of "house for [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Most shopkeepers joined the co-operative movement , and big traders , wholesalers perhaps with their own trucks , diversified their businesses , or withdrew money from their businesses to send it abroad or to build houses for themselves and their families .
2 Using cement of their own manufacture , they skilfully build tubular houses for themselves out of materials that they pick up from the bed of the stream .
3 Cobbett indicates that , at least in Kent , the working class was not yet reconciled to exchanging a cottage on earth for a mansion in heaven : ‘ they appeared to me to be thinking much more about getting houses for themselves in this world first : just to see a little before they entered , or endeavoured to enter , or even thought much about , those ‘ houses ’ of which the parson was speaking ; houses with pig-styes and little snug gardens attached to them , together with all the other domestic and conjugal circumstances . ’
4 There was a general murmur of enthusiasm from the assembled company who dispersed in all directions , pelting down the alleyways and pushing down doors to find the best houses for themselves .
5 He now built an intricate series of reservoirs , together with houses for himself , workers , and apprentices .
6 In the early days of aviation he made designs for aeroplanes and , later in life , he took up golf and planned houses for himself and his friends in Berkshire .
7 It is still lived in by the direct descendant of Sir John Damer , who was perhaps so appalled by the building programme of his brother , Viscount Milton , first Earl of Dorchester , at Milton Abbas , that he vowed to build a small house for himself .
8 After his marriage to Jane Crellin in the parish church of German , 8 March 1798 , he built in Colby a house for himself and his family ( six daughters and two sons ) , later called Ravenstone .
9 The other party was a builder who bought a plot of land at auction to build a house for himself and his family .
10 In Nielson-Jones v Fedden [ 1975 ] Ch 222 it was held that it was not sufficient for the husband and wife to sign a memorandum to the effect that the husband was to have a free hand to sell the property and use the money to buy a new house for himself although in Burgess v Rawnsley [ 1975 ] Ch 429 it was held that a beneficial joint tenancy was severed by the oral agreement of one joint tenant to sell her share in the property to the other even though that agreement was not specifically enforceable .
11 If the husband is purchasing a house for himself with the proceeds of sale of his interest in the matrimonial home , then , as he will have to commit himself to a contract in respect of his purchase , it is suggested that there should be a contract relating to the sale of his interest in the matrimonial home so that he is fully safeguarded .
12 And I had better chances of getting a proper house for myself and my family which was then two daughters and my wife and I .
13 When I told her I was longing to start up on my own she suggested I should take advantage of some of the outhouses — convert them into surgery , waiting-room , office et cetera — and have several rooms in the house for myself .
14 Have I got the house for myself tonight ?
15 Are n't you tempted to try and buy this house for yourself ? ’
16 Today though it was the residents ' chance to view the house for themselves .
17 ‘ We did our house for ourselves , not to impress others , ’ says Bill .
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