Example sentences of "world in term " in BNC.

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1 They wo n't accept with Charles Wychwood that ‘ everything is copied ’ , and wo n't accept his opinion of Chatterton : ‘ Thomas Chatterton believed that he could explain the entire material and spiritual world in terms of imitation and forgery , and so sure was he of his own genius that he allowed it to flourish under other names . ’
2 Another is to comprehend one world in terms of the other …
3 I can not think of my own knowledge of the physical world in terms of my dispositions to behave , but only as my dispositions , construed as operating in the world of which
4 I can not understand my conception of the world in terms of , or reduce it to , some account of my dispositions , as it seems plausible one might for the rat 's ( or any third person 's ) conception of the world and its dispositions .
5 Most bureaucrats see the world in terms of categories and problems in quite an impersonal sense and hence they see conservation as a major responsibility of planners , whether the locals want it or not .
6 Wishing to be faithful to the whole biblical tradition ( unlike many moderns ) , the church fathers insisted that Satan was a rebel but that he was also somehow connected to God 's purposes and plans for the world in terms of both judgment and deliverance .
7 Os Guinness has talked about the modern world in terms of a divide .
8 Williams added : ‘ We have looked forward to coming here and found English rugby , on and off the field , is the greatest in the world in terms of organisation and attitude . ’
9 By exploring the world in terms of the actions and their effects , young children come to realise that objects can be acted upon in different ways and that actions often result in objects changing their location ; they may be moved to a new place , positioned with respect to other objects or located on surfaces and in containers .
10 Newton 's mechanics provided such a programme for eighteenth and nineteenth-century physicists , the programme for explaining the entire physical world in terms of mechanical systems involving various forces and governed by Newton 's laws of motion .
11 In Chapter 12 I give additional clarifications about my use of the word " structure " and try to explain why a structural approach is incompatible with a description of the world in terms of objects and attributes .
12 They are not particularly attentive to party politics ( but they are critical of the Labour Party ) , although they are attentive to interests in British politics and are sharply critical of the pluralist perspective seeing the interest group world in terms of imperfect competition .
13 The theory of quantum mechanics is based on an entirely new type of mathematics that no longer describes the real world in terms of particles and waves ; it is only the observations of the world that may be described in those terms .
14 The efficiency thesis should also be contrasted with the ‘ inhospitality tradition ’ of attempting to explain non-conventional institutions in the commercial world in terms of efforts to enhance monopoly power .
15 Is he aware that the chain and cable industry in this country is widely accepted as being the best in the world in terms of both technology and workmanship ?
16 It would , therefore , be instructive to classify the nations of the world in terms of their oil and cereal resources , as measured by the degree to which they are self-sufficient or seriously dependent on others for their supplies .
17 The structure of the economy is clearly the basis on which to build a classification of the countries of the world in terms of their economic growth , or lack of it .
18 The theory of imperialism ( or colonialism ) tries to explain the structure of the modern world in terms of the struggles between the major powers to find new markets , sources of raw materials , investment opportunities , and to extend their political and cultural influence .
19 Likewise , the symbolism of the Orphic story could be replaced by an iconography which although different , still represents the world in terms of pacification and support .
20 be aware of what 's going on in the world in terms of not just employment but further o opportunities .
21 To say that a certain village enjoys a certain level of accessibility is to summarize much too crudely the position of the middle-class person in a two-car household and the elderly person without a car because , as Moseley ( 1979a ) so correctly points out , these neighbours are effectively living in different worlds in terms of mobility .
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