Example sentences of "world [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 EVEN IN an increasingly selfish world I thought that cricket-lovers still retained some reputation for being a bit more fair-minded and generous than most , Vince Hughes 's letter ( WCM May ) makes me wonder .
2 Landing in Nigeria , en route to Sierra Leone , and struck , initially , by the intense heat and strange , over-powering odours , Neneh felt frightened and alienated : ‘ It was like a world I 'd never been in , that was looking at me as being different — but also part of .
3 Believe me , I know — I have reason to know now , for while you were gone I 've tried it and am waiting even now for the blow to fall ! — that there is no future for me in the world I left behind so long ago . ’
4 Of a dive that took her 1,250 feet down to the floor of the Pacific , Sylvia Earle said , ‘ The light was faint but , when my eyes adjusted , the world I saw was incredibly beautiful .
5 I always was attacked on the grounds that the world I wrote about did n't exist and it 's only in the last five to ten years here in Ireland , that my work is seen to be actually true .
6 If you think of the environment Gerry Conlon was in when he was wrongfully arrested — that world of squats and lodging houses and casual labour — that 's the world I knew when I was younger .
7 Nobbs wrote Reggie Perrin because ‘ he was from the world I knew , we were from Kent , my father got the 8.16 to Cannon Street every day , ’ but he wrote Henry Pratt because ‘ it was the early '80s , Thatcher had taken over and I knew her politics would create a more divided nation .
8 Though I tried to read Marx I could n't connect what he said to the world I knew .
9 All I can say is that there in that creepy hut , I came to believe it was perfectly easy to turn the whole story of the world I knew into a world of story .
10 Standing on top of the world I felt the pull of the cool gold beyond Skye dragging me further and further south , warmer and warmer .
11 In the Southern Ocean , in that great reverberating blue-green world I shared with nature , I became intensely aware of the way in which men and women have trapped themselves within cities .
12 The only other fictional world I lived in with the same intensity was that of Louisa M. Alcott .
13 In 1966 I moved from the world of ‘ real polising ’ into areas of operational marginality which were further to confound the preference for the clearly delineated police world I had been brought up in .
14 ‘ At my first coming into the world I had been ( implicitly ) warned never to trust a Papist , and at my first coming into the English Faculty ( explicitly ) never to trust a philologist .
15 My real interest — beyond my own cancer — was the world I had just entered , those twin factors that made this visit so very different from my last one , age and illness .
16 In the atmosphere of the place there was something almost biblical , and yet this was a pagan world I had stepped into .
17 My time was my own ; I could do anything in the world I liked .
18 ‘ Yes , Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke , I will , ’ I said as if it was the one thing in the world I wanted to do .
19 And that 's when my life changed , that 's when I was let into the world I wanted to be in and got paid to do something creative , which I 'd always wanted to do . ’
20 It was the last thing in the world I wanted to do , but I could n't refuse , not after the work that had gone into a production like this .
21 I now knew the last thing in the whole world I wanted was to go into the mountains again with FAKINTIL .
22 As we stood to say the apostle 's creed during the communion service yesterday a statement of faith which we share with every part of the Christian church throughout the world I concluded that this statement was unnecessary .
23 They reflect quite accurately the rough intimidating East End world which nurtured the Krays and made their brutish power possible .
24 Yet , with one foot on each side of the rap gap , his power to affect the world which killed Donald White is very real .
25 She had n't needed to speak Danish to realise the contents of the bottle : the water of life … call it would you would … it was pure unadulterated spirit and it had its equivalent in every country of the world which indulged in alcohol , so potent it should only be consumed in small doses as the tiny , liqueur-sized vessels that Rune placed on the table testified …
26 The ‘ anti ’ minority , who believe the evidence for their case lies in Scripture , seem to forget ( or rather , refuse to see ) that the Bible was written predominantly by men in a world which despised women .
27 Eliot 's renunciation of primitivism and sexuality recalls this phrasing while pulling away from the world which had fascinated him earlier ; he sees from the fertile ‘ slotted window bellied like the fig 's fruit ’ how
28 He wrote a substantial commentary on the book of Daniel , to discourage fervent apocalyptic expectations of an imminent end to the world which had lately led one bishop to lead his flock out into the desert to meet the returning Lord , requiring a rescue operation by government authority .
29 The world which had been dominated by subsistence agriculture crumbled .
30 Here again Suger was reasserting royal supremacy in a world which had long been deaf to such claims .
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