Example sentences of "show [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The strengths that these people show are that they have an ability to combine a sense of concern , with a sense of order and purpose .
2 All they show is that someone has a depressed steroid profile .
3 However , what the 1984 statistics for the Division also show is that , of the 51.1% exempting degree or diploma holders , 22.4% qualified by the graduate entry or Direct Membership schemes , and only 26.5% entered by way of the Institution 's examinations .
4 What they show is that no matter how objective or impartial enquiries may seek or claim to be they are always in some degree preconceived because they are preconditioned by cultural assumptions of one sort or another .
5 However , general relativity claims to be only a partial theory , so what the singularity theorems really show is that there must have been a time in the very early universe when the universe was so small , that one could no longer ignore the small-scale effects of the other great partial theory of the twentieth century , quantum mechanics .
6 Of course , it may turn out that what these empirical relationships show is that some or all of the original theories were wrong or , at least , insufficiently precise .
7 What this long-term series will undoubtedly show is that there are no fixed trends in composition of the music of any given day , in this century ( or any other for that matter ) : the fluxes , the divergences , as well as the common interests and occasional influences , are what make music such a perpetually fascinating art .
8 What , however , a large number of studies of the effects of regulation do show is that there are frequently unintended consequences of regulation which impose a cost on society that must be weighed against the expected benefits of the regulation .
9 ‘ What your map may not show is that the only way down to Thira anchorage is by mule-track down a precipitous cliff .
10 What the evidence does show is that , even in an area where a traditional Mercian involvement was sustained , relations with Offa were not hostile and Mercian influence not at first particularly oppressive .
11 I was majorly unpleased as you can imagine at the time but I think what it does show is that the Indians have got a terrific sense of humour .
12 What the evidence does show is that he was genuinely fond of his new wife and that she probably died of a heart attack .
13 It does n't matter a whole lot , I mean because the er , all it would show is that metaphors need n't take the form of constituents in sentences .
14 I agree the West must not support such despots by arming them to the teeth , but one thing the war did show was that if any other would-be adventurist in the Middle East tries to do the same as Saddam , he knows what to expect . .
15 What that also shows is that Ile De Nisky is a very useful performer in his own right and he should take today 's Foundation Stakes in his stride before having another crack at Nashwan in Newmarket 's Champion Stakes later this month .
16 All that Montefiore 's example shows is that there are circumstances in which it is unfair to act neutrally , where there are not even prima facie reasons to be neutral .
17 As an Egyptian columnist recently remarked in the Cairo newspaper Al Ahram : ‘ What this shows is that the new world order is a system of codified international piracy . ’
18 What her story clearly shows is that Bart 's is no ancient , crumbling institution with empty beds .
19 What the review of developments in North Shields and Cramlington shows is that markets in land are essentially markets in planning permissions .
20 What examination of the rhetoric of the National Front magazines shows is that this tradition is wider than the beliefs of the individual editors .
21 What this shows is that the physical absence or presence of the other party at the time of the transaction by itself bears no necessary relationship to the appropriateness of the transaction being investigated and made the subject of an order by an English court .
22 What this example shows is that any stark conclusion on the basis of one unit cost statistic that a given local authority is inefficient is not a rational conclusion .
23 What all this shows is that a distinctively structuralist kind of criticism is possible , and moreover , that it is more than the simple application and refinement of the tools of poetics .
24 This shows the lifetime reproductive success of er hinds as opposed to stags and what it shows is that hinds start their reproductive life earlier , soon after age two , and they continue it longer , right up to age seventeen .
25 Again , in erm , in animal populations what studies of sexual behaviour actually shows is that individuals are not reproducing the species for the benefit of the species , they 're reproducing themselves and their own genes as fast as they possibly can , given whatever other constraints may be operating .
26 So what this example shows is that a sentence which seems to contain one assertion can turn out to contain many different assertions , some in the form of presuppositions .
27 What this shows is that there is no simple relationship between domains , situations , generations or language preferences which will enable us to explain the linguistic behaviour of young British-born Caribbeans in London .
28 In fact one of the things Peter Grimes shows is that , for a composer of Britten 's artistry , there is no clear boundary between the " natural " speech patterns of recitative and the artificial patterns of what he called " more stylised music " .
29 What this case clearly shows is that one has to be very careful in assuming that in restraint of trade cases a phrase ascribed a meaning in one case will also be ascribed the same meaning in another .
30 What Turing showed is that this is not a universal truth .
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