Example sentences of "show [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At noon today the caliph must show the sacred sceptre , to prove his right over the realm of Baghdad ( alternatively he could always start another Gulf War ) .
2 Television does not show the squalid violence .
3 It did not want any kind of disorder to be filmed , including unparliamentary behaviour by Members ( or even Members trying to attract attention by wearing fancy dress or clothes bearing slogans ) , and it therefore recommended that in all cases of disruption or disorder the director should cut to wide-angle shots , which would not show the offending incident , or to the occupant of the Chair .
4 Children also like to paint their family or part of it , they do not necessarily show the correct number in the family or reflect gradations in size .
5 Desk calendars should always show the correct date .
6 Thus , for example , the items get , next , never did not show the phonetic range of variation characteristic of the /Ε/; class in Belfast and so were not counted as tokens of ( Ε ) ; in fact , they varied between [ Ε ] and [ ? ] , forming a small phonolexical set of which the total membership can not easily be specified .
7 ‘ I 'll also show the other managers they were wrong to ignore me .
8 They like training which they can actually apply , that has practical applications so say if you 're thinking of something like erm motivation styles or something like that , if you were gon na introduce Lounslow I du n no at the motivation there are loads of them one 's Lounslow one 's Hertzberg if you were introducing our training to a pragmatist what would be essential is you could actually show the practical application of it , if you just put forward C V and no practical application the pragmatist would say well this is all very well in theory , but how can I apply it to my job and if they ca n't they think well what 's the value of this .
9 Barbirolli 's famously self-indulgent late Debussy recordings , La Mer and the Nocturnes , really do n't show the great man at his best , though there is no denying the conviction and enormous affection which sir John brings to these pieces .
10 This chapter will show the principal trends in population distribution since the inter-war period , focusing particularly on the last couple of decades .
11 Your ticket package will show the planned departure time ; turn up for this .
12 You should also show the total gross SSP payments on a P35 form .
13 The balance sheet should show the total amount of shareholders ' funds and an analysis of shareholders ' funds between the amount attributable to equity interests and the amount attributable to non-equity interests .
14 Our Confirmation and Account will show the total charge for the services to be provided by us .
15 That measure does not show the total crime , only the incidents reported to the police .
16 A glance at the sketch map above will show the general limits of the Byzantine Empire ( which fluctuated greatly during this long period ) , but the influence of the style was exerted over a much greater area : north to Russia , north-west to southern France , east to Armenia and Georgia .
17 It will show the major application systems of the organisation and the flows of resources between them .
18 For the ‘ Silver Tours ’ package tour a column would show the inclusive charge to be made to ‘ Silver Tours Ltd ’ for the apartments and meals .
19 It is thus proposed that the view representation need not be as complex as the analysis model , but only of sufficient detail to fully explain or show the requested solution .
20 Nothing that this Council will debate today will show the despicable face of the Labour Party more than this one .
21 Though binoculars will not show the famous dark mass known as the Keyhole , they will bring out the wonderful , varied filaments .
22 Its main purpose was to make banks show the fair value of their financial assets by disclosing their market value , rather than the price at which they were acquired .
23 Perhaps once in a film , for a special moment , I might show the whole orchestra , or perhaps at the very end , with the lights down .
24 KPMG 's Scottish forensic partner , Robin Crawford , warned that the overall 28 per cent surge in UK fraud might not show the whole story .
25 Viola 's right leg ( stockinged ) and a frizz of her pubic hair next to his would show the discerning viewer what was going on .
26 However , such works do not merely show the dominant culture being resisted and subverted by popular culture ; in their form , they themselves have been influenced by the culture which they depict .
27 Loreto principal Sister Patricia Goodstadt said : ‘ We hope we can show the positive side of life in Hulme and Moss Side .
28 ‘ These figures do not include uncollected VAT , nor do they show the unrecovered sums due to non-payment of poll tax . ’
29 A cut-away view would show the relative size of the larger plants and indicate where they grew in relation to the banks .
30 Er , which of course does show the relative height of the new houses , against
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