Example sentences of "might [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I and the temple precinct , however , is reminiscent of Godmanchester , suggesting that this is the mansio , while the larger structure might be tentatively identified as a market building or small forum complex , given the potential administrative status of the town ; this would be unique among the small towns .
2 This might be slightly bending the letter of the law in that the prospectus should be a single document but it makes good economic sense .
3 Now the ending of all hunger would undoubtedly benefit many in underdeveloped countries in the short term ; although the demographic and political implications might be slightly chilling if one ponders upon international stability in the next century .
4 The wind characteristics might be slightly to the contrary of this , but are not nearly so definite .
5 And if you went to General Accident and looked at their actuarial tables , they might be slightly different to other groups , but in that sense
6 Our confidence in the Home Secretary and in his ability to handle the crisis in our prisons might be slightly restored if , even at this late stage , he gave the House and the country the full facts about the Brixton breakout .
7 Apart from my earlier comment that I felt it might be slightly otiose in the fact that you 've suggested within the preamble that a new settlement should be located beyond the outer boundary and I did raise the question of whether there was another greenbelt which may come into play .
8 I would like you if you can read all there is there John er John 's had the same documentation but it might be slightly different .
9 But it does seem to me that , can you really trust a front bench , that ca n't work out that I might be slightly over the age of twenty one ?
10 It 's really just because backing fieldwork might be slightly different from checking normal supplies which will be quality and quantity .
11 I think that might be slightly different in terms of the environment , but nonetheless I think there is a way of encouraging children to think about and to be thoughtful about the sorts of choices that we make in life and the effects of our behaviour , without overwhelming them with the sense that it in fact is their responsibility .
12 What few people seem to accept is that he might be exactly what he appears to be .
13 Thus yellow and roundness might be intrinsic properties of a yellow ball as being among the properties in virtue of the possession of which another ball might be exactly like it .
14 The intrinsic value of the ball , in contrast — say its beauty — would follow from the intrinsic nature made up of such properties but not itself be part of that in virtue of which two balls might be exactly alike .
15 She on the other hand , thought that a drink , a strong drink , might be exactly what she needed .
16 But the income of the council house tenant might be exactly the same .
17 The reader might be well advised to read over Chapter 2 on the LDCs just to refresh his memory on the economic and social problems confronting these nations .
18 If the nuclear forum wants to be as effective with the public as it is with press and politicians , it might be well advised to reflect whether it ought to hitch itself quite so fast to the PWR band-wagon .
19 If you are in the Manchester area and looking for something to do , the City Art Gallery in Mosley Street might be well worth a visit .
20 The condemned person might be well advised to commit suicide rather than await whatever fate the Assassin was designing .
21 Might I suggest that one of the empty commercial properties in Woodbridge might be well suited to such a venture ?
22 They too , spoke enthusiastically about , for example , the opportunities offered by The Machine Gunners for emotional empathy with the world of the child versus the world of the adult ; the emotional pleasure pupils frequently found in empathizing with Billy 's relationship with the hawk , and the themes and topics raised by Kes ; the complex nature of the link between humans and animals offered as a theme in The Red Pony ; the thematic possibilities of the Irish location of Across the Barricades together with its handling of prejudice ; and the understanding of allegory and its special features which might be well illustrated by a reading of Animal Farm .
23 Bertram might be well advised to bring his action in the alternative , under the Act and in common law negligence .
24 I did n't want to think that your suspicions might be well founded , but — well , now she wants to see you again , you must have been right .
25 probably now we started it might be well worth while g getting rid of some of these schemes that are n't operating
26 I hoped it would be put to use , though there was a chance it might be just ballast for the journey .
27 However , the association between homosexuality and femininity is not necessarily insulting to either ; on the contrary , as Kaja Silverman shows , there are ways in which it might be just the reverse , especially when we contest the stereotypes of both .
28 The Weekend Guardian might be just another memory .
29 A company 's management policies might be just as much to blame for a particular ‘ accident ’ as the actions of the driver , pilot , or captain : Sheen J made this point in his report on the Zeebrugge ferry disaster , but English prosecution practice has tended not to invoke the criminal law against managers of transport systems .
30 Care , of course , has to be taken not to equate , by necessity , duration with severity , for a child might be just as traumatized by one incident as by a succession of repeated incidents over time .
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