Example sentences of "might [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some effects of the historical struggle against the domination of the abbey might arguably have persisted — the town was not incorporated until 1553 — though its evident prosperity shows that this no longer constituted a serious handicap .
2 Third , there may be rules that do not directly sanction that which might arguably constitute a breach of fiduciary obligation , but which might be thought to assume its legitimacy .
3 For instance , in a contract to build and supply machinery , the supplier might expressly undertake to manufacture the machinery in accordance with the agreed specification using the materials specified by the specification and to perform the work with reasonable care ; the supplier has then undertaken absolute obligations that the machine and materials used will conform to the specification .
4 For instance , the seller of goods might expressly exclude the statutory implied terms relating to the goods — The Seller gives no undertaking that the goods are fit for any particular purpose .
5 The extent to which such rights might justifiably embrace ideas unrelated to government or public affairs , ideas of no value at all , or cloaked in images of a sexual or violent nature , has long exercised the finest minds not only in American jurisprudence , but in Europe and the Commonwealth as well .
6 He might justifiably refuse to guarantee a full return to health in the near future yet still be prepared , if asked , to express a reasonable degree of confidence about your recovery prospects which should be enough to satisfy many employers .
7 It is difficult to believe that the historians were not party to such constructions , although Goody might justifiably envisage that such honourable men as Thucydides would have been shocked if his material had been manipulated in this way by the politicians .
8 But while the melancholy air and the mannered , somehow archaistic appearance of much of the work of his so-called ‘ blue period ’ remind one of some of Gauguin 's painting , it was not until several years later , in the work executed during the year preceding the Demoiselles , that Picasso 's work became bolder and more direct , in some cases one might justifiably say more primitive , in appearance .
9 Both Soul and Brief History include Stephen Hawking 's anecdote about being told by the Pope that scientists might properly study the universe after the Big Bang , but that the bang , or Creation , itself , was the province of God .
10 ‘ The tenants will paint in a proper and workmanlike manner all the outside wood , iron and stucco or cementwork of the said subjects and all other exterior parts as might properly require to be so painted with three coats at least of good oil and white lead paint … . ’
11 In Masterson v. Holden it was held that the conduct was insulting because the magistrates might properly have taken the view that such objectionable conduct in a public street may well be regarded as insulting in that it suggests to a witness that he or she is somebody who would find such conduct in public acceptable himself or herself .
12 ‘ We are looking at what you might loosely call superloos .
13 As such , the escalating conflict in Northern Ireland offers a useful paradigm for predicting whether a similar process of escalation might feasibly occur on the British mainland .
14 It seemed to me that she looked older than she was , using her age as a shield against unwelcome advances which she might secretly long for but would never permit .
15 She might secretly find this tall , elegant man extremely disturbing , but she was n't prepared to let him guess that fact .
16 Discovery of Conradian horror beneath polite society , rediscovery of an Original Sin which burdened savage and citizen equally , connecting them however much the latter might politely protest , left unredeemed modern humanity at a level as terrible as that of primitives trapped in their cycle of fertility rites .
17 Thus , it advocated that the Colleges of Advanced Technology should become technological universities awarding their own degrees , the National Council for Technological Awards should be replaced by the Council for National Academic Awards , the Regional Colleges of Technology should develop a wide range of advanced full-time courses , and that some of them might eventually form the nucleus of other universities or become universities in their own right .
18 While the tannery try to sort out the best hides before they 're sent , these flaws can not be helped , so Klondyke cut round them , since otherwise the scar might eventually open up and spoil or even split the strap .
19 Responding to the growing separatist agitation in Slovakia , Havel acknowledged in a nationwide broadcast on March 10 that Czechoslovakia might eventually split into two states .
20 She wondered , however , whether the philosophy of matching services closely to needs might eventually mean that existing residents who were relatively independent might be thought unsuitable for Mencap 's homes .
21 This could last several years and might eventually lead to more talks to determine the final status of the occupied territories .
22 There are , however , two — perhaps three — who might eventually make the grade .
23 So , for various different reasons , most of the Unionist leaders approved of Lloyd George 's intentions ; the party managers agreed because they feared that continuing disorganization on the Coalition Liberal side might eventually wreck the government .
24 Too much control and predictability might eventually subvert the organizational goals .
25 Although their capital appreciation might eventually benefit pensioners , it was felt inappropriate by some that a fund should invest in ‘ unproductive ’ assets .
26 I think he hoped I might eventually add distinction to the family name , of which he was intensely proud , and his initial interest in me also developed into affection .
27 The irrigation waters made possible by flooding their own homes might eventually help the people in their new .
28 ‘ Panspermia ’ , as a word , therefore refers to those theories which insist that life came to Earth because ‘ spores ’ were somehow blasted off into space in the hope that they might eventually encounter a life-supporting planet — like Earth .
29 That would throw up some even more interesting questions — and might eventually drive research money back into the universities where , at least for the most part it belongs .
30 It shows that 94% of all items issued fell into the first two categories , and required no repair ( although 24% were in a well-used condition and might eventually require some attention ) , while only 6% fell into the last three categories and were in need of repair .
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