Example sentences of "feel we had " in BNC.

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1 Recalled sexual longings would at least make me feel we had not wasted our store of human essence needlessly .
2 ‘ Tom McKeith and David Laing are good additions to the team and we 've always felt we had great strength in depth .
3 Our shares plummeted because the City felt we had taken a great risk .
4 Sir Alfred was in love with the Cosworth idea of making engines for other people , but I felt we had to restore our position in F1 first .
5 We rushed out of the building and started running along the street , hardly knowing where we were or where we were going , until we felt we had put enough distance between us and the reception .
6 ‘ We felt we had to keep the name to avoid any insult , ’ says Vinogradov .
7 Despite the result on Saturday you still felt we had a lot to do .
8 Up till this time Wendy and I had endured the discomforts of Althorp Street with cheerful good humour ; but when we discovered layers of stale milk on the saucepans , we felt we had had enough .
9 I felt we had to find and develop talk personalities who could be entertaining as well as erudite .
10 Sometimes we came across toys in antique booksellers and felt we had to include them too .
11 We both felt we had over-reached by trying to visit the whole hospital and next time would just concentrate on two or three wards .
12 His point arose because he felt we had n't best differentiated his guitar from the rest of the pack in our review of it .
13 We feel this will be significant for us as we have not as yet really ‘ advertised ’ the Centre because we felt we had no real permanence of venue .
14 I have never met anyone who heard that broadcast , but the Indian superintendent and I felt we had seen the job through to the end .
15 It seemed a bit lukewarm , and we felt we had to go it alone .
16 On the other hand , although one expert scientific engineer said he felt we had almost reached the point of diminishing returns in terms of extra racket frame power , can we risk that ?
17 ‘ After a while , we felt we had to seek help .
18 He very rarely helped round the house , because he felt we had different jobs .
19 I said to Chris I felt we had a bit more money and could do better than that .
20 There was a gaudy shrine , and for a moment I felt we had entered the den of a fortune-teller .
21 But the main reason was that I wanted to explain how far I felt we had come in our understanding of the universe : how we might be near finding a complete theory that would describe the universe and everything in it .
22 In some ways I was more reckless and exposed myself to danger because I felt we had to come out and prove that the Government was responsible for the deaths of all the students .
23 We felt we had done all we could there for the moment and did n't want to get lazy .
24 Gary Player did a lot of sponsorship on the black side because we felt we had to help .
25 Those were exciting days and as the money began to pour in we all felt we had joined a successful crusade .
26 ‘ It seemed a long shot , but we felt we had to try . ’
27 Everyone who took part in this charitable challenge thoroughly enjoyed the day , and we all felt we had contributed something worthwhile to the local community .
28 I packed in a lot of the things I wanted to and felt we had achieved what we set out to do .
29 I suddenly felt we had a lot in common and maybe I 'd misjudged him .
30 We felt we had to take direct action .
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