Example sentences of "feel that the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Inspector , until this moment I have always felt that the benefit of a classical education was over-rated . ’
2 It was felt that the new clock should have a British movement for the sake of authenticity and because of its historic associations .
3 Dein lost his place on the League management committee because it was felt that the interests of the so-called ‘ Big Five ’ clubs , including Arsenal , had been pushed too hard .
4 It is generally felt that the manager should be responsible for his or her own office overheads , telephone bills , secretarial services and so on .
5 The past six months have made it clear that latent isolationism can be inflamed if it is felt that the allies are shirking .
6 The final total was 606 , scored in only ten hours of excellent batsmanship , although it was widely felt that the England selectors had helped them along by omitting Foster and playing two spinners , Cook and Miller , on a pitch of low bounce .
7 It was deeply felt that the economy would no longer be viable and that demand would decrease since the aged would be unable to afford the type of demand required to sustain industry .
8 Now it was felt that the General Council of the TUC had struck a blow to maintain minimum wages for all workers by its support of the woollen and worsted textile workers .
9 But the message went further for it was felt that the lesson to be learned was that living standards could be maintained if unity prevailed : ‘ With the help of the Trade Union Movement , mobilized by the TUC General Council , they were enabled to secure a victory which they could not have won if they were left to fight alone . ’
10 In the early days , when unionist politics were in a state of flux , some people may have been alienated from the Church by their dislike for Paisley 's political image , but they would not have felt that the Church was a DUP church .
11 Visions of heavy counselling sessions come to mind and it is often felt that the grieving person must be helped to ‘ come to terms with it ’ , whatever ‘ it ’ might be .
12 Families may be split and huge rifts created if it is felt that the wrong choice has been made .
13 it was felt that the happenings of these momentous years of the early eighties would , with the passage of time , become clouded in the memory of those of us who witnessed them .
14 Although the European Court of Human Rights had declared that it would be a breach of the European Convention on Human Rights for a child to be given corporal punishment against the philosophical or religious convictions of his/her parent , it was felt that the ruling did not revoke the teacher 's independent authority to administer punishment .
15 It therefore may be felt that the thesis can not serve for the analysis of political authority .
16 It was felt that the Clauses which neutralized the Black Sea and prohibited Russia from maintaining warships within its confines were more advantageous to Britain than to France and that once again France was playing second fiddle .
17 But I have often felt that the concern expressed over this issue is actually only addressing those problems associated with animal species .
18 It may be that those responsible for the well-known picture of the so-called ‘ Dancing Sorcerer ’ ( on the wall of one of the innermost recesses of the Trois Frères cave in the department of Arriège in France ) , which represents a man in the skin of an animal and wearing the antlers of a stag , may have felt that the actual performance of the dance was insufficient , since they were concerned about the conservation of the magical efficacy of the dance after it had ended .
19 ‘ It is also felt that the Hampshire County Council officials concerned have failed in their duties in allowing this to happen and , perhaps more importantly , in taking no action to ensure reinstatement is made .
20 The IPG decided to reclassify the whole section as It was felt that the existing structure would no longer be helpful .
21 The-CAB door may have been officially ‘ open ’ but minorities were not accepting the invitation , It was felt that the way to remedy the situation was by recruiting more black advice workers so that black clients would feel more comfortable and so that black workers could help white workers to better understand black clients .
22 Mrs Coleridge may have felt that the Blue Coat School would best prepare her son for the clerical career John Coleridge had wished him to follow .
23 However , other workers who studied the effect of gliclazide in diabetic subjects have felt that the beneficial effects of gliclazide on platelet function were likely to be due to its hypoglycaemic action rather than to any direct effect on haemostatic function ( Paton et al , 1982 b ) .
24 In the two companies with the greatest number of businesses it was felt that the individual business units have a better knowledge of the specific economic factors which directly affect their own markets .
25 Clearly it is felt that the Secretary of State has to approve external qualifications taken by pupils in maintained schools .
26 However , it is felt that the adoption of a theoretical uniform gradient of 50° C/km for the whole of Phanerozoic time represents an extreme situation yielding maturity values unlikely to have been exceeded in practice .
27 In addition , it was felt that the problems were made worse by the files on loan being the only master copy ; additionally , when files were held by staff for excessively long periods , a backlog of items for filing could accumulate .
28 Furthermore , it was felt that the potential costs of providing the necessary microfilming equipment , plus additional staff time , would outweigh any benefits gained , particularly as this could only be regarded as an interim solution before progressing to greater computerisation .
29 At first it was felt that the variety of reference systems in use had developed because of inept control mechanisms and general lack of discipline in applying procedures , but as the analysts ' knowledge increased , it became apparent that the references had evolved to suit the needs of users , needs which were considerably different throughout the departments .
30 It was also felt that the system proposed in the final user requirement would lead to improvements in the working conditions in the Registry , and , by introducing more interesting and rewarding procedures at this level , generally improve staff morale .
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