Example sentences of "woman [subord] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Now Great-Great-Grandmother Elizabeth must have been a very capable woman because circumstances demanded that her husband went out to work as a miner , so she was left to manage the farm .
2 A TEENAGER who plunged a screwdriver into a frail 85-year-old woman as accomplices ransacked her home , has been sentenced to eight years ’ detention .
3 Okay , we 're we 're a non , in the U K as a culture we do n't stand very close to people but actually women stand a lot closer to women than women to men or men to men .
4 GOING to the theatre , concerts and art galleries remains largely the privilege of the well-off and well-educated , and of more women than men , research shows .
5 It was very high for people who took their full-time education beyond the age of 18 , and higher among women than men for all art forms except jazz and art galleries .
6 The disease is nearly twice as common among women than men .
7 Nationally , although Gallup figures show that more women than men are intending to vote for Mr Ashdown 's party , support for the Liberal Democrat leader himself is equally divided between the sexes .
8 All include more women than men , more old than young .
9 The results indicate GPs discriminated against women , referring considerably more women than men with less emphasis on major ( psychotic ) mental illness .
10 More women than men had children , although the small proportion of men with children confirms their limited involvement in family relationships .
11 These drugs are prescribed in vast quantities , and far more frequently for women than men ( Cooperstock , 1978 ) .
12 Only among elderly persons are there more never married women than men .
13 From middle age onwards lower proportions of women than men are married , and much higher proportions widowed .
14 The pressure is more likely to be felt by women than men , and increases as individuals grow older .
15 Chilblains can occur at any age and are more common in women than men .
16 Then again there were a lot more women than men involved ( comme toujours ) , and some of the men reacted very negatively to that .
17 I was seated on a hard sort of sofa covered with worn black velvet , and tea ( as in More Women than Men ) went ‘ through all its stages ’ .
18 Rereading More Women than Men , I ask myself each time whether the relations between them are suggested with extreme subtlety , or whether something is lacking .
19 Dear Mr Forster is a homicidal author , I think — and I do n't altogether acquit Ivy of Simon Napier 's death [ More Women than Men ] .
20 While the state could not develop without female labour ( at one time , as a result of Stalin 's purges and World War II , there were 40% more women than men in the working population ) , equally , it could not afford to replace the role of the wife and mother in the home .
21 The reason why so many more women than men suffer from Cystitis is partly explained by the way their bodies are made .
22 Far fewer articles in magazines are written by women than men .
23 It is also sex preferential , used much more by women than men .
24 Many commentators have noted that more words are available to insult women than men , especially in sexual terms , and that words for women 's bodies are more taboo than those for men 's ( compare prick and cunt ) .
25 Rita Loumansky , 71 , explained : ‘ There are always more women than men here . ’
26 A requirement to be mobile might bar more women than men .
27 A complainant would have to show that fewer women than men could comply with such a requirement and that it is to her detriment that she can not comply .
28 A school cleaner pointed out that there were many more low-paid women than men among the public service workers .
29 Sport attracted more men than women ; fashions and women 's features , obviously , more women than men .
30 Women seem to be currently more prone to seek longer-term close relationships with other women than men are with other men .
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