Example sentences of "need [to-vb] down " in BNC.

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1 It may also be useful in case the patient becomes unexpectedly tired , and needs to sit down for a moment .
2 I think actually somebody needs to sit down and think
3 Come here love , I think Mummy needs to sit down .
4 I do n't think it needs to go down under the barrier act .
5 It is already obvious that the columns vary according to the point size , you can get away quite happily with two columns across an A4 in 12 point , three would be better in 10 point and to get four you 'll need to go down to perhaps 8 point .
6 ‘ Then you 'll need to go down on your knees in that chapel Christian Timms built and call on someone more highly qualified than either me or Doctor Cheatle .
7 Under the new policy , anyone working on the twelfth floor will need to go down to the first floor to clock out , to the fourth floor to find a smoking room , down to the first to clock on again and back to the twelfth to carry on working .
8 so we do n't need to go down that early Bev
9 So he 'll need to go down there with his associates and had to evacuate the Leisure Centre .
10 They play a very defensive style and we 're gon na need to go down there an open the game up and play as well as we can .
11 ‘ But at some point I will need to sit down and figure out if I want to make a real career shift into another area , such as politics .
12 ‘ You do n't need to come down with me , ’ she advised him in a stifled tone as she moved towards the door .
13 Peter Karsten , marketing director of Surfax , which brews the low-alcohol Clausthaler , comments : ‘ The number of products available has dropped from 70 to 50 and it needs to come down to about 20 . ’
14 It needs to come down here .
15 You will need to write down certain things like a list of goals for food change and exercise , interesting recipes , a list of rewards ( perhaps as part of a contingency contract ) , and your daily weight .
16 As we have said , in practice we do not need to write down M1 etc .
17 During the 1980S it was increasingly argued that the world market could not support more than ten suppliers of major equipment items ( such as central office or exchange equipment ) and that Europe 's ten or more manufacturers would need to slim down to , at most four , perhaps three .
18 He 's just a bit , he needs to calm down a bit cos he 's not got , he 's got quite a nice face .
19 ( You may need to sand down and revarnish once every three or four years . )
20 ‘ It seems as if I really do need to lie down , ’ she said faintly , and then he had swept her off the ground and was carrying her to one of the low , comfortable sofas in a private alcove where donors who were feeling faint could eat and drink in peace and quiet as they recovered .
21 He is the only pianist I have ever heard who does not make Balakirev 's Islamey sound clumsy in places , who does not need to slow down for the middle section of Liszt 's Rhapsodie espagnole , and who can play repeated notes faster than a machine-gun can shoot bullets .
22 Often you will need to slow down to almost normal speed and sample sections .
23 Because there is so little drag on crossing two stitches every four rows this is one time when you will not need to take down a stitch to either side of the cable .
24 As your husband has probably been told , he needs to cut down on fat , and on saturated fat in particular , to lower cholesterol levels .
25 Police , however , still needed to track down Calton 's two main accomplices .
26 Four men were needed to hold down the steering oars , which bucked in their harnesses like panicked elephants .
27 This enables the bat to cool down as it flies , so if pterosaurs needed to cool down they must have worked their wings as they flew , and probably were endothermic .
28 They also dance about possible new nest sites , and about water sources when water is needed to cool down the nest .
29 The report , entitled Assessment of Constraints on Space Shuttle Launch Rates , also notes that additions to the maintenance system and equipment will be needed to bring down ‘ turnaround ’ time — the period from landing to readiness for the next flight .
30 He had needed to wind down after the spiralling tensions of the day , and once again he felt the company warmth and support that had sustained him through the day .
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