Example sentences of "erm i do " in BNC.

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1 Well you 've not shown me what you can do erm I do n't know you that well .
2 I think it would erm I do n't think their concentration span
3 I just thought it was erm I du n no , I ju I j just figured they were trying to get us to draw it draw it into a triangle . .
4 Erm I du n no this is somebody else 's paper so This is before I had a I worked it out as I I th I thought it 'd work out a three- four-five triangle .
5 If they give you an equation like this let's say the weight you 're making up a a load for a lorry and you 're putting erm crates on with car engines in , and the car engine weighs erm I du n no say it weighs a hundred kilograms .
6 Erm I du n no .
7 Erm I du n no , they always seem to get it wrong .
8 Well , I mean erm I du n no really , you sort of get the feeling that they 're suspicious , cos I mean there 's so many things go on here , that they 're not sure erm about you , I mean if somebody else does n't know you , then they 're not sure about you .
9 He was behind ee he had the brains , and was carrying it out for him , cos erm this erm I du n no if you know him eh , he runs this quarry to us up here .
10 But erm I du n no there 's some of them were n't prepared to carry on with it , you know these youngsters , there was a lot of 'em they would n't , anyway everybody 's not hundred percent you 're not going to get anywhere with anything .
11 Okay it 's erm I du n no , I du n no how they 'll feel about you phoning them up though to be honest with you .
12 Erm are there any specific areas of difficulty like you know sort of things like statistics , things like , you know , erm I du n no , other bits and pieces that er you know give you particular problems ?
13 Yeah erm I du n no if it would do much good actually but er yeah but er no she , she 's , she 's quite good about you know sort of erm you know kind of keeping an eye on students and , and stuff like that , anyway er so if you could right
14 But I mean if that goes if that goes through if that falls through somebody might be interested and and somebody might erm I du n no .
15 Erm I du n no , it was one of these er documentary type things and it was just like all organized crime , they were just erm
16 Erm I du n no
17 Erm I du n no !
18 Erm I du n no I think I might just go home and go out with Bonnie and Catherine and see Body of Evidence .
19 Erm I du n no .
20 Erm I du n no , the thing is our prom , yeah , is the day before so like I 'm gon na be pretty fucked erm two , a couple of my friends who are coming , they 've got they 're like in the middle of the ex their exams like erm I know my one friend 's driving there but he 's going from St John 's Wood , thanks , erm we might be able to pick you up , I 'm not sure , it depends what 's happening or you might go with Josh , like we 'll meet outside probably .
21 Erm I du n no , let me have a think .
22 But erm I du n no .
23 Can I just say just say one thing Paul and for myself erm I do n't think that Brenda just two things I 'm a very against character assassination erm I do n't think that Brenda was character assassinizing
24 Can I just say just say one thing Paul and for myself erm I do n't think that Brenda just two things I 'm a very against character assassination erm I do n't think that Brenda was character assassinizing
25 Erm I do recognise some faces , I know some of you recognise me and eh cos we 've done quite a lot of things together , but this afternoon what I 'm going to tell you about is how I fit in with Council , I do n't think any of you know that or know what the Local Government Unit is .
26 Yeah , Mike , Mike and , he 's erm I do n't think he 's , I think he will be able to in future he 's got a meeting arranged tonight and he 'll be here next time .
27 Erm I do n't know if this one concerns us , it 's about er , a working group for children , do we have , we do n't have a working group for children .
28 Were not gon na have , were not gon na have quite enough are we this time , I think if perhaps the people who come regularly , erm perhaps could take first , erm I do n't know , you , we have ten , is it ten ?
29 Right , my friends we 've very strange and wonderful chemicals in this erm I do beg your pardon when we are printing .
30 We certainly have not ceased erm to undertake educational work and erm I do from time to time er do a number of reports on that work for er our funding bodies and er recently I 've done a report requested by Northern Arts , for the Arts Council I believe .
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