Example sentences of "life was [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the wilful destruction of young lives was a different kettle of fish altogether .
2 Our response to their lives was a greater part disbelief than compassion .
3 This was the first London West End musical for both Crawford and director Patrick Garland , whose production of Brief Lives was a TV and theatre success , starring Roy Dotrice .
4 Girls of twelve to fifteen I spoke to in Harlesden said that the worst aspect of their lives was the bullying and racism they faced in school .
5 Around Newbury from one to three lives was the rule , while at Faringdon tenure was hereditary , reflecting perhaps the mainly pastoral economy of the district .
6 Her sleeve of care was unravelled all right : her life was a basket of woollen shreds , all shades and textures and not one of them long enough to do anything with .
7 ‘ My life was a dream . ’
8 Married life was a contrast with the experience of the bachelor living solitary amid echoing halls .
9 According to our blonde stewardess , herself an object of fantasy , all life was a mindless rush , gabbled nonsense , sweaty commuting between the only moments that made sense , the embrace of a man and a woman .
10 Though in a different way , what we have seen to be true of Gide was also true of Wilde : ‘ running foul of the law in his sexual life was a stimulus to thought on every subject … .
11 If life was a battle and Charlie Hatton a soldier of fortune he , Wexford , stood in the position of United Nations patrol whose job it was to prevent incursions on the territory of the defenceless .
12 A friend of mine met up with a keen Christian woman whose life was a mess .
13 Then indeed man was , as Hardy depicted him , the mere plaything of fate ; life was a black comedy ; perhaps Oscar Wilde was right to regard the aspirations of Little Nell as only good for a laugh .
14 Underneath I felt that my life was a weird cocktail of huge , secret binges and hidden stashes of food , and late-night trips to the off-licence to buy vast amounts of chocolate and crisps .
15 Life was a cinema screen , in an infinite darkness .
16 A century ago , later life was a privilege reached only by a fortunate minority : average life expectancy was under fifty years .
17 Achievers fear failure , and yet Jesus ' life was a failure by most human standards .
18 The only sign of life was a man , wearing what looked like a woollen dressing gown with a hood , riding past on a camel .
19 We can learn very much from Thoreau most of whose adult life was a kind of retirement .
20 I do n't suppose life was a great deal better for their cabbies , who always looked poor and pinched .
21 Her life was a ceaseless round of hard work , of struggling to make ends meet , of keeping up appearances and yet her lion-like spirit showed through .
22 Indeed , the furthest I had ever been in my pre-television life was a day trip to Loch Lomond on a bus .
23 Lawrence that his whole life was a testimony to the fascination of the secret power of the will .
24 Graham , 28 , was quiet , self-effacing and likeable — but his life was a disaster zone .
25 His life was a million miles away from ours , his past revered , his future assured , the son of a doctor and the father of one , and when it came to ‘ caring ’ he 'd only touched the surface .
26 Vincent had grasped early on that his deep-seated , recurring fearfulness in the face of life was a condition he shared with many nineteenth-century artists .
27 Ceauşescu himself insisted that a pregnant woman was ‘ everybody 's concern ’ because family life was a ‘ socialized private problem ’ .
28 Life was a continuous thread ; snap it , and mindless instinct remained , with no direction or purpose .
29 I could have written back to explain that my life was a daily humiliation and an unrelieved imprisonment , but I felt sure that they would neither care nor understand and , again , pride deterred me .
30 When his questioner suggested that the contemplative life was a specious kind of idleness , Nicholas replied that they had ‘ found divers perplexities , distractions and almost utter ruin in other callings , but that God hath given them an incredible improvement of their livelihood since their sequestration ’ .
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