Example sentences of "life be so " in BNC.

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1 These days , most women 's lives are so varied that no single scent will take us from gym to office , from desk to dinner — let alone dawn till dusk .
2 Such vast cosmic movements have little meanings for us , because in comparison our lives are so fleeting .
3 And sadly the first time he flew without me he perished , leaving Bob Pointer and myself wondering why events in our puny lives are so ordained and arranged as to inflict the maximum hurt at a time like that .
4 And we really have to in the first instance , get public opinion to realise the way in which our lives are so pervasively subject to criminal prosecution , that 's the first step .
5 Their lives were so wretchedly brief ,
6 The one useful generalisation about war in impoverished Africa is that it takes place where there are not many expensive weapons for soldiers to kill each other with , but where the conditions of organised life are so fragile that its disruption causes lots of civilians to die of famine and disease .
7 The major decisions and judgements he makes in regard to his life are so strongly influenced by his foreign language background , interests and values , that he is known as a linguist , a language teacher , or a diplomat .
8 How can life be so cheap ?
9 ‘ How can life be so cheap ? ’ she demanded .
10 The correspondents expressed deep gratitude to Hannah — they were so inspired by her sublimely tranquil and uncomplaining acceptance of the kind of material deprivation considered unacceptable by modern society , so moved by her angelic demeanour and indomitable spirit , that they had been obliged to consider their own situation and concluded that their individual complaints about life were so paltry by comparison that their entire perspective had been changed .
11 Even if we make the comparison with the earlier part of the twentieth century when people were beginning to live longer , the economic conditions of family life were so different as to make a decision to take an old person into one 's home , if they could not maintain themselves , a very different decision from its equivalent today .
12 ‘ He was attracted to me because I and my life were so very ordinary . ’
13 If only everything in life were so reliable …
14 Life 's so simple for her .
15 When everything 's going well for you it 's easy to forget that God 's there with you , because life 's so busy and so much fun .
16 Cos my life 's so interesting .
17 ( Apparently his life is so fast-paced that he was unable to talk from his office ) .
18 I am sorry your life is so burdensome , I only wish I could help in some way .
19 We may argue that temperate animals and plants must ‘ concentrate ’ on coping with winter , and that only a few manage to do so ; or that because life is so seasonal , temperate animals and plants are thrown into greater competition at specific times of year , than in the tropics .
20 Now , when life is so precious , I can look back on that period with shocked amazement .
21 In fact , as is so often the case , she does all these things because her life is so full : ‘ Gardening is therapy from the pressures of life .
22 Her shops are called Shabby Chic and the most successful one to date is in New York , where ‘ life is so hectic and claustrophobic that people aspire to making their home as comfortable and pleasant as they can . ’
23 The foreground of Burton 's life is so vivid that it is easy to forget the dramatic and hugely influential background against which it is being played out .
24 It 's such a lovely idea , think of all those people whose battle for life is so depressing , and then just one moment of beauty may come and illuminate the dark corners of their existence , so that they feel they may have lived just for that one thing .
25 The new location is also conducive to an easy lifestyle : ‘ Life is so simple , and the management company look after both the apartment and the garden .
27 Partly because , it seems to me , his life is so much more important to him than his work , and he has seen the dreadful consequences of the solitary confinement some writers and artists consider the sine qua non of their trade .
28 Life is so , so short .
29 If and in so far as there are any presumptions which assist in my conclusions ( and I instinctively dislike introducing presumptions in reaching a decision of fact as crucial as this ) , the presumption that a state of affairs continues until the evidence suggests that it no longer pertains is more to the point than the submission of Mr. Levy that the sanctity of life is so vital an interest to protect that if I am in any doubt that should take precedence .
30 If your life is so rushed that you only have five to ten minutes for lunch , and your body knows that you have to consume at least 300–400 calories in order to make it through until the evening , it is going to look for a very convenient solution , and that means , high calorie , low volume food that is readily available , such as a chunky cheese sandwich , or worse still , a chocolate bar .
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