Example sentences of "work with [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Nice numbers that are easy to work with we can count out the pennies , count on our fingers , let you .
2 Turning a blind eye could cost you a great deal of money in lost orders and lost production , and it certainly wo n't help them or their colleagues who have to work with them .
3 Now he has had a chance to work with them and perhaps better understands the intricacies of their job .
4 Our data also suggest that the team model of professional/paraprofessional staff deployment has high potential for maximizing the contribution of available personnel to the helping process and , if paraprofessional social service workers are to function at their best level , not only do they require appropriate training but professional workers also need to be trained to work with them .
5 However , before these ‘ middle class ’ witches invite Christians to work with them , it would seem that it is they who really need to ‘ try and understand us and get to know what we believe ’ .
6 By contrast , the magician seeks to understand the energies of the universe and to work with them in order to bring about changes , ultimately within the self , but including the environment in all its aspects .
7 It 's probably an easier group to work with , because personality-wise the three guys have such a focus on what they do that it 's very easy to work with them .
8 You now feel enhanced respect for your counterparts and are willing to work with them again .
9 We are now in DIP 's third phase of evolution where we can expect vendors to supply comprehensive workflow software , providing intelligent automation of office tasks and complete integration with other computer systems in the business , as well as the automatic routing of document images to those who need to work with them .
10 ‘ I 'm thrilled that the board have shown faith in me by giving me the chance to work with them for another 12 months .
11 It was a genuine privilege to work with them because you could be the richest person in the world and then some , and still not be able to buy the experience that they carried within them .
12 Some planners , for example , saw that their economic planning might be more effective if they used the price mechanism to work with them rather than against them , and Philip Chantler , the economic adviser brought into the Ministry of Fuel and Power in 1947 , consistently advocated a move to higher prices .
13 We as a as a policy unit get involved in that kind of work as well , so working with departments , looking at new initiative 's and trying to work with them .
14 It 's far better to work with them , rather than against them .
15 There only is one way forward and that is to strive to work with them , not against them .
16 I used to work with them before I finished at the same YTS scheme .
17 Others may want someone to work with them and there is a wide range of therapies available .
18 ‘ Service Quality Development are happy to work with them in determining the service needs of the branch network and to encourage feedback through regular service surveys . ’
19 Booksellers want a publisher to work with them .
20 You place applications in rooms ( metaphorically and virtually speaking ) and move between rooms to work with them .
21 They are always cheerful and it is a pleasure to work with them . ’
22 It seemed to [ Judith ] that the emperor 's good physical condition might not last much longer , and his death would threaten danger to herself and to Charles unless they could win over one of Charles 's elder brothers to work with them , and they calculated that none of the emperor 's sons would fit this role so well as Lothar .
23 Everyone who has taken the trouble to contact them and to work with them speaks of their high qualities and commitment .
24 At the same time he was busy courting his supporters amongst the Country Tories by playing on the theme of the " Church in Danger " , and his strategy appears to have been to unite the various dissident Tories behind him in order to oust Oxford from power , and then try to ensure that Tory political dominance was so unchallengeable that when George I became King he would be forced to work with them .
25 One of the things he had learned since coming to Egypt was that the country had its rhythms and that if you were going to get anywhere you had to work with them and not against them .
26 But do n't sort of back away from them try and to , to work with them cos you 've got ta , you 've got ta get the two , the two together .
27 Ramani Leathard agreed to work with them .
28 He was great to work with — I 'd do anything to work with him again .
29 Yet , Nakane adds , actors queue up to work with him and audiences flood to his shows .
30 ‘ I came to work with him , shoulder to shoulder . ’
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