Example sentences of "great number of " in BNC.

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1 The equilibrium so consummately achieved results from the counterpoise of a great number of directions .
2 Evergreen shrubs with variegated foliage are a valuable insurance , although a great number of hardy plants usually succeed in blooming even in the severest season .
3 ‘ I am fasting because , unlike our state media , I am worried about the great number of people who have left our country .
4 This list does not include the great number of Indians who remained anonymous … .
5 I arrived quite blind after a great number of cocktails at the George with Claud .
6 It is appropriate , then , that Ali has been the subject of a great number of pieces in Esquire , most of them written by undisputed literary heavyweights , including Irwin Shaw and Norman Mailer among others .
7 ‘ I 've met a great number of very interesting people , ’ he murmurs .
8 These figures backed up comments from a great number of part-time farmers that the off-farm job was a financial necessity as opposed to a choice .
9 Martyn referred to Miller 's use of works by those better versed in scientific aspects of gardening , to whom due acknowledgment is given , and concluded with an appreciation of the author 's own industry : ‘ As to the practical part , he has given t is hardly anything but from his own knowledge and of the great number of plants mentioned in his book there are scarce any which he has not cultivated with his own hands . ’
10 October 1987 , also inflicted extensive damage to the gardens — which had to be closed to the public until rendered safe — and a great number of trees were felled .
11 The consignment note shall contain a great number of particulars specified in the CMR Convention but the absence , irregularity or loss of the consignment note does not affect the existence of validity of the contract of carriage which shall remain subject to the CMR Convention .
12 There are a great number of anomalies in the accounts he gave .
13 In 1712 , Atkyns describes a scene of great activity and speaks of Chalford as ‘ a remarkable place for the great number of clothing mills and the great quantity of cloth made there in the neighbourhood ’ .
14 There are a great number of myths that constantly need to be laid about school dinners .
15 There are a great number of competitions aimed at schools ranging from major awards for curriculum quality and innovation to colouring in photocopied drawings for a five pound prize from the garage down the road .
16 A great number of small prizes rather than just one or two big prizes gives more winners and more satisfaction .
17 In 1337 a certain Robert Gyan was submitted to a brutal penance by the dean of Wells for carrying away ‘ a great number of alder ’ from Stan Moor in the Somerset Levels .
18 The difference now , however , is that such arguments are multiplied many times over , both by the much more extensive use of technology and the great number of technological developments which appear so quickly and exist at the same time .
19 There were a great number of these at different points along the Straits , but there were three that found themselves right in the thick of things .
20 Today I no longer work in the grant-aided sector and a great number of women who were my colleagues and contemporaries have moved on to work in broadcast or cable television .
21 This succeeded in bringing a great number of men from the surrounding parishes , as well as most of the inhabitants of East and West Looe .
22 He was welcomed by the local clergy and a great number of other leading figures in the community .
23 To deny this magic is to incur the wrath of a great number of people .
24 A great number of crofters had gathered to discuss the partitioning of the good land of Green Hill but the Duke 's factor and the police arbitrarily apprehended the first eight to hand .
25 There were few new books added each year and I would think that a great number of volumes had been in the Library from its opening in 1905 .
26 As usual , there was a great number of births among the antelope herds with blackbuck , gemsbok and red lechwe especially productive .
27 Independent of this physical cause there exists always one more or less contrary evil to the cure of maladies in any Hospital whatever which results from the great number of sick assembled in one place , the bodies of which occasion emanations which alters more or less the wholesomeness of the air , but this cause may in some manner be done away with by the great cleanliness of the Stables and fumigations that might be performed from time to time …
28 There must also have been a great number of ferns , lycopods and horsetails existing as understorey plants but also isolated in dense swards , There was not the wide-scale domination of conifers hinted by Benton which somewhat invokes a picture of foodless dark plantation-style forests .
29 In all he wrote 50 books , several plays , some poetry , and a great number of pamphlets and articles .
30 Many tales have been handed down and a great number of myths have been created around his memory .
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