Example sentences of "work because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 is away from work because of a trade dispute
2 However , Ancient Society also differed from earlier work because of the high quality of the scholarly work on which it was based , because of the sympathy of the writer for primitives , and because it not only defined stages but in many cases suggested mechanisms which explained why one stage should change to another .
3 In the sluggishly expanding industrial labour market women have lost ground relative to men , and an important proportion of the women who must seek work because of inadequate earnings of the husband or because the family lacks a male breadwinner continue to be restricted to domestic service , street vending , and other marginal low-income occupations .
4 A family may have a low income in work because of low pay , or out of work from social security benefits .
5 A 57-year-old man , who had been forced to retire from work because of chronic ill health , was admitted to hospital having made severe lacerations of his neck with a knife .
6 We worked on gut feeling and it was very difficult to control and manage all the development work because of the technology involved .
7 Harwell 's difficulties in handling polonium were again encountered at Windscale ; alpha contamination became severe and several of the operational staff had to be temporarily taken off the work because of polonium ingestion . ’
8 Unremitting poverty , seven children and a husband unable to do hard physical work because of a series of minor heart attacks , caused my Mam to have a ‘ mental breakdown ’ when I was seven years old ; the treatment for this breakdown included her having twenty electric shocks in a two-year period .
9 In the winter months , for example , many building workers find themselves without work because of bad weather and many workers in the tourism industry are also laid off .
10 For six years , they cheerfully raked in premiums for policies which paid the mortgage if you were made redundant or forced to take time off work because of sickness or accident .
11 For instance , policies will not pay out if you have to stop work because of a medical condition which you knew about before starting the policy .
12 On the whole , these are to be preferred for video work because of their ability to relate what you hear to what you see .
13 In Brown v Rentokil Ltd [ 1992 ] 453 IRLIB 4 , the EAT ruled that an employee who had been dismissed in accordance with sickness absence rules when she was away from work because of pregnancy-related illness , was not discriminated against .
14 I was happy in the work because of the acceptance by the government of my own interpretation of the task of public relations , namely not to be a propagandist agency acting on the assumption that the government was always infallibly right ; not only to be an information service about government policies , plans and activities ; but to be an agency interpreting the government to the people , and feeding back to the government the reactions and feelings of the people .
15 You feel bad about having to take time off from work because of the children , e.g. sickness or a school function .
16 He retired early from electrical work because of a slipped disc .
17 There were also others who felt that they had to stop work because of their own or their spouse 's ill health .
18 ‘ The men included honest tradesmen out of work because of the depression , the usual ‘ Dosser ’ , the wandering tramp and the ‘ Jake-Wallah ’ , who was a Meths drinker .
19 I will also devote some time to topic work because of the importance I attach to integrated approaches to learning .
20 those who have accepted the teachers ' view of them that they are thick and who see no point in pursuing any further academic work because of their acknowledged inability , and
21 It was further felt that in some cases the lowest tender tended to gain the contract at the expense of better quality work because of the financial restrictions the Housing Executive Board have allowed to be placed on them .
22 In Santa Ana , she could n't do political work because of her bad reputation , so she left her child with her mother and joined the mass organization in San Salvador .
23 Some women did not register because they were discouraged from looking for paid work because of the poor state of the economy .
24 Professional : The family member may give progressively less attention to his or her own work because of the problems at home and may even change employment in order to have more time or opportunity to supervise the worsening chaos at home .
25 When the Equal Opportunities Commission , in its equality agenda , describes child care facilities as meagre in the extreme compared with the facilities that are available in the rest of Europe , when we know that the women in work to whom the Minister has referred are often forced into part-time work because of inadequate child care arrangements and when we bear in mind his entirely complacent answer , is not it a good thing that a Labour Government are coming who will ensure that child care provision is expanded ?
26 You know , the decision whether we were gon na go back to work because of these threatening letters was taken by the forty well fifty members of the lodge , so in effect I was sacked by people who had since returned to work , but you know that 's how it should be .
27 Teresa Moylan ( Mrs Clements ) has given up full time work because of her children .
28 4 years ago Jeff Lockyer was forced to give up work because of ill-health , he suffers from heart disease .
29 Developers Lakewoods got the go-ahead almost a year ago but delayed starting work because of the recession .
30 Jaime King says it will be good to get a break away … it is hard work because of the early starts there 's no going out at night … but she enjoys it
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