Example sentences of "part [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 However Sun has been playing with the long overdue part for many months now , working closely with Texas Instruments Inc to get the thing up to scratch .
2 The toughest part for many is dealing with the no violence rule .
3 Wondering what to wear when the weather gets hot in London is a big part of many girls ' and women 's daily life , my own included .
4 Once they are included in the explanation participation drops out as an inessential part of many consent situations .
5 These centres are the pioneers , the pace-setters for a pattern of training that may , one day , become an integral part of many agricultural colleges .
6 Hence the alarmed thought on the part of many that he might have taken his own life .
7 But perhaps this odd time-shift on the part of many parents demonstrates their unsuitability to be the new source of power to determine the future content of the curriculum , or to protect educational standards .
8 After seven weeks ' work on the part of many army personnel , we were ready to begin .
9 A lack of mobility on the part of many within the cities has inevitably meant that an increasing number of those remaining are in some way disadvantaged ( Redfern , 1982 ; Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , 1984 ) .
10 Whichever method was used it meant long traffic holdups as the creatures went through the streets , their already frightened state heightened by a deal of cruelty on the part of many of the drovers .
11 Residential term-time and vacation courses or field trips form an integral part of many University course demands .
12 In this respect Bukharin displayed the same indecision — one might say double thinking — that was evident on the part of many Bolsheviks when faced with the necessity of NEP .
13 The greater size of many firms , and the social and spatial distance between owners and workers or top managers and lower managers , do not promote the loyalties and identifications that were once part of many people 's working life . )
14 Committee meetings and discussions are an essential part of many jobs .
15 The philosophical Enlightenment of the eighteenth century onwards saw a change in mood on the part of many Protestant theologians .
16 He wore a cap on his head ( 'I even capitalized on my semi-baldness by signing with Parmalat to wear a cap with their name on it' ) and my memory is of a certain artificial constraint on the part of many in paddock and pit-lane in approaching him .
17 Keep away from the deep-fried dishes : mozzarella in bread , whitebait , mushrooms and stuffed courgette flowers , all of which rate high in the fat stakes because of the batter and the deep-frying method , as well as because of the stuffings and dips which are part of many of the recipes .
18 Each curve in the script could form part of many different letters ( e.g. n , u , m , w , v and i ) , and the number of alternative strings these letters would combine to form will be very large .
19 Sitting is a relatively straightforward command to teach , and because it is such an important part of many other routines you should concentrate on this command during the early stages of training .
20 Activity in any single unit can farm part of many representations and the inactivity of a cell can be just as important for representing something as its activity .
21 In Western Europe , unlike the US , physical distance , ignorance and the legacy of the war produced a strong reluctance on the part of many to interest themselves in Japan until forced to acknowledge her economic importance .
22 A clear reluctance on the part of many Japanese even to discuss the problem suggests a reluctance to admit to the existence of the burakumin as an outcaste group , on the assumption that a problem that is not talked about is not a problem , or at least is one that will go away if it is ignored .
23 It should he pointed out , however , that high quality preparations of M1 human eggs in which reliable chiasma counts could be made , have never really been obtained despite numerous attempts on the part of many workers over a number of years .
24 All the same there is a strong argument that low investment in the British economy is not just a matter of funds being unavailable ; there is a reluctance to borrow for investment purposes on the part of many enterprises .
25 Garlic 's popularity in Britain has increased tenfold in recent years , but it has always been an ingredient of Continental cooking , and is now also becoming an essential part of many North American dishes .
26 The relationship between language use and teaching and learning in schools is an integral part of many contexts and processes in both initial and in-service teacher education courses in this School of Education .
27 It is , however , a part of many described feats of animal behaviour , as we may illustrate with the Bearends 's study of the digger wasp Ammophila , ( Figure 3.11 ) .
28 Whole-tone harmony is part of many harmonic systems , is valuable in many circumstances , and is therefore worth a brief study by all composers , even if they have no intention of using it as a complete system themselves .
29 The Indian music is significant , since it is a generally accepted part of many organized LSD experiences . ’
30 Core skills were incorporated as an integral part of many modules in a wide range of subject areas .
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