Example sentences of "mean that the " in BNC.

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1 Years of scholarship and so many contentious performances mean that the character is now regarded as ‘ difficult ’ , when it can in fact benefit from the freshness and vitality of the natural actor , who will quickly find the comic qualities of the man as well as his serious side .
2 I mean that the novel has always given the impression that third person narration can narrate what it is I am feeling .
3 However , they mean that the pilot has to be prepared for a possible launch failure or cable break on every flight .
4 But today 's changes mean that the contribution rate on the first £43 a week is only 2 per cent .
5 Producers may favour one-man shows for economic reasons , but that does n't in itself mean that the audience is being short-changed .
6 The scale and pace of technological change mean that the public as well as employees are crucially at risk .
7 Handfuls of froth simply mean that the manufacturer has added lots of foaming agents .
8 Since these results are obtained in animals that have been living in a normal environment , they mean that the clock originates , at least in these animals , from an abnormal ‘ internal ’ structure , the chromosome .
9 Turbulence at home , combined with an American decision to restrict Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union , mean that the stream of emigration is now directed almost exclusively at Israel .
10 The decisions taken by the heads of government — in the face of Mrs Thatcher 's lone opposition — mean that the Community will deliberately accelerate progress to supra-national monetary union .
11 Does Mr Kohl 's greater public caution mean that the process of unification will be slowed ?
12 Even so , the chief British worry is similar to the American one : that ownership of shares by uncaring institutions , and provision of debt by distant banks and capital markets , mean that the takeover is the only means of managerial discipline .
13 Sterling is even closer to its intervention level against the peseta than the escudo and market rumours of a lira devaluation mean that the Italians , the Portuguese and the Spanish pose a more immediate threat to the pound than the identity of the next British Chancellor .
14 I just mean that the school , in the shape of its teachers , expected you to have a go at a lot of things and do well .
15 But diesel engines are improving all the time , and developments like turbocharging and direct injection mean that the power gap between the two systems is shrinking .
16 Among mammals by contrast , viviparity and lactation mean that the limiting resource is nearly always the female 's rearing capacity .
17 As in France , there are cultural as well as structural problems : the weakness of policy debate and the public sense of alienation from the bizarre workings of their political system mean that the successive crises seldom have anything to do with the outside world .
18 But sometimes when we say that every person is only required to sacrifice a little we mean that the antecedently expected sacrifice is small , i.e. that the odds that he will have to sacrifice a lot are small .
19 The geological formations mean that the production rate per oil well is very high , and this in conjunction with the proximity of the wells to deep water marine terminals , means that transportation and production costs are low .
20 The plotting routines available in most statistical packages are still rather crude , especially those which rely on the line-printer as their printing device ; plots on machines designed for text mean that the resolution ( i.e. number of subdivisions possible on either the horizontal or vertical axis ) is usually poor ; many values that are in fact different can end up being plotted on the same point .
21 Exchanges between surface water and ground-water also mean that the latter is becoming more saline .
22 The principles of care mean that the resident should , as far possible , feel they are in their own home .
23 New guidelines just issued by the government mean that the NCC and national park authorities will soon have to pay landowners huge amounts of compensation if they want to preserve scientifically valuable sites from intensive farming .
24 More generally , it remains true that the severity of the Monopolies Commission 's findings mean that the board is necessarily placed somewhat on the defensive about its investment appraisals , and will find all its investment assumptions scrutinised with some suspicion .
25 Professor Frank Barnaby , a former director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and co-founder of Just Defence , said that ‘ staggering advances ’ in microelectronics and communications systems mean that the technology for stopping tanks , aircraft and ships is already available and suitable for the battlefield .
26 ‘ You mean that the research will go ? ’
27 Surely you mean that the entire stupid handicap system should be scrapped ?
28 The production machinery has to be moved every day as the face moves , geological variations mean that the size and quality of the seam is unpredictable , and there is always the possibility of the collapse of the walls , roof , etc .
29 delivery of care by multidisciplinary teams mean that the health-care professionals who may otherwise give a variety of types of health care to a client organise themselves into , and work as , a co-ordinated team .
30 Does this secretive attitude mean that the Royal Family will continue to refuse to allow detailed fire brigade inspections of their private quarters ?
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