Example sentences of "mean [be] that " in BNC.

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1 Presumably , when her husband told her that he and his boss practised harmless sex , what he meant is that they do n't practise full gay sex .
2 What I do mean is that although most women do hope for a happy and loving relationship with their husbands , the attainment of this is not the purpose of marriage .
3 What it does mean is that he had made it plain that he intended a legal relationship to exist between two persons ( soon to become trustee and beneficiary ) .
4 What it would mean is that we would consider it immoral to treat animals as if they had no intrinsic value , as if they were of instrumental value only , merely means to human ends .
5 Gandhi claims that it can not be used in an unjust cause but what he might mean is that it should not be used in an unjust cause .
6 What it does mean is that , if the manager adopts a very warm socio-emotional managerial style , then an informal or unofficial task-leader role may emerge in the work group .
7 What he did not mean is that women lack rationality ; they can and do deliberate .
8 What it does mean is that each employer will identify a specific number of vacancies which will be reserved for Compact graduates before being offered more widely .
9 The most this can mean is that the people who voted for the party did so knowing that it was planning to do certain things , and that therefore these voters can be assumed to have consented to those plans .
10 This is not to say that man can mine coal where it does not occur geologically , or that some settlements do not originate because of the existence of some material which the inhabitants extract ; what it does mean is that people themselves determine what is exploited and how they deal with the extraction .
11 What er more staff would mean is that more visits can be made to more HMO 's to put more of the problems right ; it 's , it 's just about that simple .
12 What he meant was that his reluctant compatriots were so inward-looking that they could not perceive his genius .
13 What he really meant was that it was not in his interest or that of the intelligence services involved .
14 What she really meant was that the child 's affections were being alienated ; this was not wholly a fair charge .
15 What he meant was that there are numerous examples of repeating patterns , and embryos seem to like breaking up into repeated units .
16 Reading between the lines , what they meant was that they were not going to train people who might keel over and die before the CAB had had its money 's worth .
17 She has such a good head on her shoulders , ’ they had said , when what they really meant was that whilst Paula was a beauty , she was really very plain but they had to find something good to say about her .
18 What he meant was that you had to cover a lot of ground to find anything newsworthy .
19 What Yves meant was that in every act , in every gesture in the game , there is a degree of aggression .
20 I think what he meant was that it was easier on the man .
21 Perhaps what he really meant was that they could n't afford not to go to Nunes .
22 What this person meant was that they were more about me than Spain or Copenhagen .
23 When James Cannavino said last week that IBM Corp was not going to sell personal computer clones , what he meant was that the things would not carry an IBM logo — and so he could say that IBM was not selling them .
24 What this person meant was that they were more about me than Spain or Copenhagen .
25 From the scared tone of Dyson 's voice , Bob knew that what he meant was that he thought Eddy was dead .
26 ‘ All I meant was that I find it hard to imagine myself setting up home with someone else again . ’
27 What it really meant was that when draft EEC legislation was being drawn up last year , for the permitted use of intense sweeteners , including saccharin , nobody remembered to include crisps and snacks .
28 That was how she described it to herself , although what it really meant was that he took her to bed whenever he felt like it and occasionally gave her an absent-minded smile backstage .
29 What this meant was that sitting MPs should no longer be reselected automatically by local parties just before a general election was held .
30 This was specifically endorsed by Lord Pearce in Esso where he explained that what Lord MacNaghten meant was that the adequacy of consideration was a key to oppression and that oppression is a key to reasonableness .
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