Example sentences of "work [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 His distaste for such work may be seen from the fact that Breavman refers to the ( infrequently visited ) lecture rooms of Columbia by saying to Krantz : ‘ Nothing smells more like a slaughterhouse than a graduate seminar .
2 As it is , he slyly suggests that minor artists may look down their noses at major ones and that ‘ important ’ work may be left to persons of an inferior kennel , like the Russians , the Germans , the Americans , who , poor dears , know no better .
3 For one thing , the gallery knows very well which other collectors may be interested in making a purchase ; for another , the gallery , since it represents the artist , likes to have some control over where a major work may be placed .
4 ‘ Tradition and the Individual Talent ’ is grounded on the idea that ‘ not only the best , but the most individual parts of his [ an author 's ] work may be those in which the dead poets , his ancestors , assert their immortality most vigorously ’ .
5 For the young patient with a stroke or head injury , work may be found in specialized government sheltered workshops , where disabled workers have facilities and staff tailored for them .
6 But there is also an awareness that the growth of in-depth work may be changing the nature of the CAB service and there is renewed debate on the desirability of this new image .
7 Such work may be on an individual or group project basis .
8 Because of this the training given may be spasmodic and may follow no organised pattern , the trainee only being taught items as and when the need occurs , whilst some areas of the work may be neglected altogether , and never be officially taught to the trainee .
9 Traps to do this work may be purchased .
10 Therefore , a work may be easy in one respect and hard in others ; for example , Silkin 's short poem ‘ The Worm ’ is straightforward as far as the vocabulary and sentence structure are concerned but , even so , the meaning of the poem is by no means transparent .
11 Making a machine work may be mostly ‘ feel ’ , but that ‘ feel ’ has to be translated through the mind and conveyed to the machine . ’
12 Hours of work may be difficult to reconcile with the needs of the old person .
13 This information is significant for the teacher as blackboard and wall-mounted work may be difficult or impossible to discriminate for a pupil with poor visual acuity .
14 This needs to be placed at the angle which gives the best support for the material being used in relation to the pupil 's vision , and some initial experimenting with different angles of work may be needed in order to settle on this .
15 Applicant 's area of work may be , among others , design studies , housing or city form , technology and methods of design .
16 In the urge to achieve coverage those who find little comfort in academic work may be given an arid diet of superficiality which neither ‘ promotes ’ their ‘ spiritual , moral , cultural development ’ nor ‘ prepares ’ them for the opportunities , responsibilities and experiences of adult life .
17 One work may be despondent and melancholy , whilst the other could be uplifting and joyous .
18 She manages to make something intriguingly complex with a great economy of means and her newest work may be seen at Curt Marcus until the end of the month .
19 Alternatively there may be no marks as such but simply a set of grades to which the quality of pupils ' work may be assigned directly .
20 Since they may be shaky in the first place , one is working against oneself in allowing the situation to come about ; yet at times it is difficult to avoid and extra work may be needed to counteract its effect .
21 So , for example , someone met initially at work may be brought home to a meal , or arrangements may be made to go out to the theatre , perhaps .
22 Declarative sentences identical except for different incompatible terms in parallel syntactic positions ( besides those used in the test ) are frequently in a contrary relationship : if I cycled to work is true , then I walked to work is false , but if I cycled to work is false , then I walked to work may be either true or false .
23 The initial model for this work may be Freud 's concept of the super-ego , which is the interiorized form taken by parental authority .
24 For these reasons , however valuable Bourdieu 's work may be in identifying the patterns and relationships or the society or mass consumption , it is limited with respect to the present project .
25 Such schemes depend on local enthusiasm , skills and initiative , although some work may be performed by contractors .
26 Although some of this work may be informed by certain theoretical readings — Irigaray , Cixous , Kristeva , Judith Butler , or some of the work by Italian feminists on the mother-daughter relationship — there is a real sense in which these artists could be said to be producing theory visually .
27 1794 Fencing & Enclosing the Churchyard of Kilnaughton. " having seen two Estimates … they disapprove of the sd. estimates , as they think the work may be Executed in a much easier and cheaper manner , especially as the gentlemen from the Parish of Kildaltan undertake that the Tennants will lead the stones .
28 Equally , programming of work may be more complicated , particularly where sub-contract labour fails to conform to the contract programme , or labour is withdrawn .
29 ( b ) Demand for specialist work may be of an intermittent nature and the builder may have difficulty in providing the operatives with continuity of work .
30 Reviews of the existing work may be found in Box and Hale ( 1986 ) and , at more length , in Box ( 1987 , Chapter Five ) .
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