Example sentences of "put [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 More than you put into an A Level subject ?
2 For their money , they got traditional advice — Gover would always try to get batsmen to live up to the technical ideal of Jack Hobbs — put in an unstuffy and flexible way : ‘ We would fit the mould to the customers , not the other way round . ’
3 Put in an oiled bowl , cover with clingfilm and leave to rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk ( or leave overnight in the refrigerator ) .
4 Put in an ovenproof dish .
5 Put in an envelope with the letter
6 You had to go on Governor 's app [ put in an application to the Governor ] to ask to get your toenails cut .
7 Erm and they they put in an awful lot of work in in setting up the Festival .
8 We put in an extra chip , that 's all .
9 ‘ I knew most of the drivers would take it easy so I put in an attack , ’ he said .
10 Well of course you can guess the rest , I took it up and had it valued and then put in an auction .
11 Put in an offer for this house .
12 They had a couple of people round , but no no nibbles , or I think , yes , I think somebody a silly offer because of course all the property pages and places like that , Daily Telegraph are urging everybody , go on put in an offer for a house , put in a silly offer !
13 Yeah , she 's gon na have me put in an orphan 's home
14 I put on an accent I slip into something more comfortable I turn
15 By all means work to emphasize your positive qualities and to control your weak points , but if you put on an act you are almost bound to get caught out and you certainly will not be able to relax .
16 Section 6 , like many other sections of the Act is no more than an attempt to put into an Act of Parliament a rule of common law .
17 It 's it 's not about being able to get rid of them totally and we agree that we need some sort of level of arousal it 's being able to perform despite them to use that arousal to put into an effective presentation , and that 's what this two days is about is getting those butterflies for you to fly in formation .
18 For the first few days we kept the family shut into the cow-shed , to protect them from the cats ; but I really think that if any cat had had the temerity to put in an attack , the hen would have chased it half-way to Gloucester .
19 Her original plan for the previous Wednesday had been to put in an hour or two of picket duty very early in the morning , and then go on to her appointment at Pringle 's .
20 Faced with either crashing into the heavy gatepost or jumping the dark gaping ditch off far too short a stride , Hullabaloo tried to put in an extra stride and met the obstacle entirely wrong .
21 He had intended to put in an hour 's fishing but there was an impatience which he could not appease by the sport and so he turned aside into the fields which took him across towards Portinscale .
22 Once a year , the landlord of the Watermen had to put in an appearance at the Head Office of the Brewery in Farringdon Street .
23 The only alternative would be to put in an inferior system , which means that the German aircraft would be less capable than those in the other three air forces .
24 We had a good response to our appeal for Americana , with flags and documents and American Indian artefacts to put in an exhibition .
25 He was not prepared to put on an act , to don a tiger skin and go roaring about .
26 After many earnest conversations with Berthe Weill , who dealt in the works of modern artists such as Dufy , Vlaminck , Utrillo , Pascin and Picasso , he persuaded her to put on an exhibition for Modigliani .
27 This had prompted the Ulster Museum to put on an exhibition about McCracken and BBC Northern Ireland and Ulster Television to feature the bicentenary of his birth .
28 The person with a healthy Inner Face is the one who is most able to form good relationships with others ; he does not feel that he has to put on an act to impress yet neither does he feel superior to those with whom he comes in contact .
29 The Open University 's ( address on page 148 ) pre-retirement course book lists some of the good as well as the bad feelings you can have about being alone : ‘ I feel I do n't have to put on an act ’ , ‘ I feel really me ’ , ‘ I feel relaxed ’ are some of the items on the list .
30 But the plan is for us all to write a couple of things to put on an album . ’
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