Example sentences of "must do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She saw that she must do exactly that — run away from him as he had suggested , but as far away as she could go !
2 That should be no barrier , according to Looking Right : ‘ What we must do here is to explain that the political side of things mainly involves what is little more than Party donkeywork .
3 ‘ I must do just a few more menial things before I go to bed ’ or , more oddly , ‘ I was nearly run over on my menial way this morning . ’
4 But one must recognize that whatever system one puts in has only got a limited life before it becomes irrelevant , and if the payment is for achievement it must do just that .
5 In between interviews with ‘ Men of grass ’ and ‘ Interpot reports ’ were editorials denouncing addiction , suggesting , as Tom McGrath had in November 1966 , that ‘ if we ever get round to doing full serious research into drugs as we must do soon — we might find that no one will want to use them again' ; opposing moves to a US-style approach to addiction ; and advising on ways to help junkies .
6 Well you must do soon
7 For a strategy to remain successful , it must do well specifically when it is numerous , that is in a climate dominated by copies of itself .
8 You must do well at this , that , or the other .
9 May I remind the honourable member that there is no reason why he should not tear to pieces these four statutory instruments if that 's what he wishes , but that is what he must do not deal with all the others .
10 In an open society , the law must do neither too much nor too little , which is why the shifting sands of community standards have their place in the field of indecency , but not obscenity , the latter being a far more serious offence and one properly grounded in the fundamental values without which no civilised society can survive .
11 Cos I say she 's been there thirty years so she must do alright , everybody knows
12 If you have taken the recommended Norwich Union insurance cover you must make an insurance claim under the Legal Expenses section in respect of any legal fees incurred abroad for that purpose , and if you have taken alternative insurance , you must do likewise under any Legal Expenses cover provided by it .
13 He had also told me that any German who came his way would ‘ get it , ’ so I felt I must do likewise in hospital .
14 If he is arming , you must do likewise to avoid your worst outcome ( to get 2 rather than 1 ) .
15 Will Douglas rose from his seat , and bowed to his uncle — and perforce all others must do likewise .
16 Thus , his view on the Government 's education record is : good effort , but must do better .
17 Meanwhile , the British Robot Association said Britain ‘ must do better ’ in using robots .
18 But a big NME ‘ must do better ’ to the 3,788 entries that believed cute , foppish Lancastrian Stuart Maconie to be Irish !
19 I want to touch briefly on four areas in which the Government could and must do better , in addition to the initiatives mentioned by my right hon. and learned Friend and the preventive programmes , such as that mentioned by the hon. Member for Westminster , North ( Sir J.
20 Part of our case for the Radio News Network is that we must do better about telling our country about itself , not just in terms of law or education but also in terms of science , technology , medicine , the environment and an area where I personally have a great commitment — and that is coverage of business and our economy on which all our futures depend .
21 I shall put in the report must do better !
22 Maricourt RC High School was given good marks in some areas , but was told it must do better in others .
23 What you must do meantime is regain your strength .
24 We must do still more , and we shall .
25 In the 1990s we must do still more to introduce choice and competition on the one hand , and to reward care and commitment on the other .
26 Sadly events have turned full circle and those who defended the university then must do so again .
27 He has now received this answer : If you wish to disclose your party , you must do so without using council facilities .
28 HAVING ducked the bullets once , Dennis Conner must do so again today if Stars & Stripes is not to be eliminated from the America 's Cup defenders ' trials in a sudden-death sail-off against Bill Koch 's Kanza .
29 First , s/he must do so if the pupil is to be excluded for an aggregate period of more than five days in any term , or if the pupil 's exclusion will mean that s/he misses an opportunity to take a public examination which s/he was going to take .
30 If a meme is to dominate the attention of a human brain , it must do so at the expense of ‘ rival ’ memes .
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