Example sentences of "must have [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The law must have teeth , and it must be enforced ; but the purrs from Beijing are a start .
2 ‘ You must have opinions . ’
3 " Heaven sent me to plough this field , and in order to do so , I must have oxen .
4 must have rules which comply with the requirements of Schedule 2 to the Act .
5 As for rule 2.12. ( 1 ) , Mr. Beloff submits that this supports his submission , not that of Mr. Collins , since what it does is to provide that the Norwich Union must have rules which will ensure that appointed representatives such as Winchester comply with the Lautro Rules .
6 Because of this biological necessity all human societies must have rules which establish the legitimacy of young children as members of a caring domestic unit .
7 In any long-standing power relationship the person or group losing each conflict must have interests which are suppressed , and either do not appear in the public realm or quickly founder for lack of support when they do materialize .
8 Most definitely , we must have strawberries .
9 Land use officer Paul Wynne said : ‘ With such limited funds available we must have schemes that produce positive environmental benefits .
10 An open fire needs an air entry opening with a free area of at least 50% of the fire 's throat area , while rooms container other solid fuel or oil-burning appliances must have openings totalling 550sq mm per kilowatt of rated output above the first 5kW .
11 As a result of Saddam Hussein 's invasion of Kuwait , the Export Credits Guarantee Department must have difficulties .
12 She must have shoes just like that , Emily decided .
13 But it 's interesting to know that a lot of the copies either must have copies , which they should have or that they know what bin it .
14 Citizens must have rights of access to information about decisions taken by public authorities in their name .
15 I mean the public is going to say we must have houses , we must have roads , must we have arts ?
16 We must have things in common as a basis for a relationship .
17 He must have achievers in his team .
18 Must have maggots on the brain .
19 Of course , it was a tightrope walk ; they must have profiles of her from her school and Mars-U .
20 She points out agencies must have licences and checks on practice are getting more stringent .
21 Of course we must have cartwheels and the maiden to whose lot it had fallen to perform this important feature of the dance so very neatly and prettily is recalled .
22 I 'm not suggesting players should go around collecting yellow cards , but you must have players who are going to get stuck in for you when the going gets tough .
23 The end of the nineteenth century was the climax of the Age of Science ; what remains for us is to glimpse briefly the aftermath of that confident period in which it seemed that all the interesting questions must have answers , and that it was the business of natural philosophy to find them out .
24 I mean the public is going to say we must have houses , we must have roads , must we have arts ?
25 That makes me think he must have connections with the Jordanian Government — he probably works for the Jordanian Secret Service , either full time or in some ad hoc capacity .
26 It can not be too often repeated that there is no reason whatsoever why humanity should be made to believe that its religion must have origins in the literature and man-made traditions of the remote past .
27 You must have friends , contacts in London .
28 If we must have manuals then this is the one , for the author still goes into the wilds to revel in the ‘ painful delights of exquisite beauty . ’
29 If you must have chips do them thick cut , as they absorb less fat that way .
30 ‘ And she must have relatives and friends .
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