Example sentences of "still did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I remember David had a look of amazement on his face because at this point he had quite a few gold albums , but he still did n't have the money because the rate that they made money went straight back into making the show even bigger and better , and everybody travelled in style .
2 I still did n't entirely believe my nursie .
3 They did n't chat each other up , because Boy still did n't know what to say half the time , and O did n't want to say anything , not any more , he had said too much to too many men .
4 I tried to help out by looking at the putts , but he still did n't really need me .
5 He still did n't look any different , but he could run home from Tuckers now without having a seizure on the doorstep .
6 I still did n't realise what the trouble might be , although I dare say the germ of cancer may have nestled for the first time in my mind .
7 I still did n't think I would die , but I had no idea how I was going to live .
8 I still did n't really understand when he said they were lesbians .
9 I tried this on from various directions , but it still did n't make sense .
10 Rab still did n't know what to say .
11 He pushed again , but it still did n't give .
12 Tennis may have brought him fame and fortune , but it still did n't bring happiness to Boris Becker .
13 She still did n't speak much , concealing pain and her wound from voices and trite expression .
14 The lesson had started and I still did n't know how to deliver my masterpiece .
15 He said that he had a video which he would bring round , but when he arrived he claimed to have lost it and still did n't provide a written description , so I would n't tell him where the dogs were .
16 ‘ I still did n't know what to do about the voice .
17 Calder-Marshall pointed out something I had omitted from my ( very brief ) Mass Observation review , then said he still did n't understand why I wanted to do the book and I needed to write and explain this to him .
18 The fingers , however , still did n't function and the hospital was going to amputate on the following Wednesday .
19 And when , within five weeks of returning from that injury , she was beaten up by a yob , she still did n't dream of quitting .
20 He still did n't know whose side to take when Mum carried on at us but she never came to the shed while we were chopping wood with him , so we had a retreat .
21 He said : ‘ I checked and re-checked and still did n't believe it .
22 However , by the end of the week they still did n't show .
23 The nomes still did n't move .
24 I was aware that I was attracted to boys and men from about the age of twelve or fourteen , but although I was brought up in London I still did n't find it very easy to have any sort of contact with other gay men .
25 They had left the path and turned up by the side of the long Nissen hut when Len paused and , half turning to Joe , he said , ‘ You know , you still did n't answer my question earlier on information concerning one Joseph Jebeau .
26 But it still did n't stop me having a perfectly valid opinion on the parlous state of contemporary kits .
27 So was old Jacko , who 'd made me re-write at Thrills piece twice and still did n't run it .
28 I just shrugged and warned him to watch out , but he still did n't take any notice .
29 Father Barnes still did n't look at him .
30 When Maxwell still did n't answer he went on more gently :
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