Example sentences of "must [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It must be every child 's dream to visit Walt Disney World — and every parent 's wish to take their children on the holiday of a lifetime .
2 She must be every bit as cruel as they say , my lady . ’
3 It is a valuable source of work for any practice and with statistics telling us that 80 per cent of people entitled to claim do not do so , there must be every possibility of expanding this area of work .
4 There are more than 12 million pictures cataloguing what must be every major news story since the agency was set up in the 30's .
5 Attacks to the abdomen must be no lower than the bottom edge of the belt .
6 They insist that there must be no deviation from that style and demand such loyalty that their dancers lose their own identity and become absorbed in the world of that particular ballet .
7 There must be no unravelling of the alliance 's military posture .
8 In Malta , President Bush — in agreement with President Gorbachev — said there must be no more bloodshed in Lebanon .
9 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
10 ‘ The vet might put his hand into the dog 's mouth or pull its ears and there must be no aggressive or nervous response from the animal , ’ Joan explained .
11 If we do , it must be punished immediately , and there must be no doubt in the horse 's mind about what it is being punished for .
12 There must be no encroachments : they must not appropriate her memories and make them theirs .
13 There must be no schools which are winners or losers .
14 There must be no break in the left wrist at the moment of hitting .
15 It is well worth while practising the hand movements on the beach ( as in Figs 73 to 76 ) , since there must be no hesitation on the water .
16 The elementary requisites of fair comment are : — first , the matter must be of public interest ; secondly , it must be an expression of opinion based on proved facts ; thirdly , the comment must be fair ; and lastly , there must be no malice .
17 Two rules must be obeyed when exploiting them : local cooling , close to the heat pump or its heat exchanger , must be no faster than heat can flow in from the surroundings ; and the source temperature must not be lowered more than a few degrees below its undisturbed level .
18 Therefore there must be no automatic condemnation of their responses and actions , but there must also be no question of their being automatically right because they are recorded in writings designated ‘ holy ’ .
19 There must be no scratching of private parts .
20 The basis upon which damages may be claimed before domestic courts for breach of Articles 85 and 86 must be no less favourable than the damages recoverable for infringement of comparable provisions of domestic law .
21 If he thought instant bankruptcy would result from such disclosures , he must be no less earnest to become a bankrupt for the just advantage of his creditors than he would have been resolute not to fail by collusion for the purpose of defrauding them .
22 There must be no through traffic , yet .
23 The first is the European Commission 's insistence that abolition of border controls means what it says : come next year , there must be no passport or customs control whatever at Dover .
24 There must be no lecturing to those who are hardest hit and no attempt to suggest that a fuss is being made about nothing .
25 The [ draft ] FRS therefore requires that the facilities must be committed and that there must be no reasons expected or likely which would either permit the lender to avoid his obligation to provide new borrowings or prevent him from providing them .
26 There must be no provision for the entity to keep the asset on repayment of the finance , or to reacquire it at any time .
27 there must be no illegality .
28 Inside Sutton dredged up personal details , such as Murdoch insisting the fringes of his Indian carpets be combed into regimented lines every morning and that there must be no marks left behind by the wheels of the Hoover .
29 Individuals are therefore not subjects , and if history is to be a process without a subject there must be no subjects short of the ensemble of practices itself .
30 But he is adamant there must be no art on display outside the booths themselves because art of museum quality does not belong in the street ’ , the spokesman said .
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