Example sentences of "tell me i " in BNC.

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1 Dragged myself to the doctor who told me I had to expect such things at my age and prescribed vitamin pills .
2 No doubt if I had responded to Hilda and Annie and the rest as they told me I should respond , as they all told me my true nature , my deeper nature was crying out to respond , I would be surrounded today by love and wives and children and the rest .
3 I had desperately wanted to rush outside and leave the whole wretched affair behind me but something told me I had to stay and face the music .
4 ‘ I was n't sure about making the sharp turn into the fifth fence , but Ted told me I had to go the fast way everywhere otherwise I had no hope of winning , ’ Mac said .
5 He told me I could be back in a fortnight . ’
6 Everyone in the whole marine department just threw up their hands in horror and told me I was crazy , I did n't know the first thing about ships , the whole marine fleet would fall apart .
7 Marie told me I should n't leave it on when I ai n't in the room , and here I am — the first day she 's gone and I 've gone and left it on .
8 Annie told me I 'd get a bike for Christmas — a red one with a basket .
9 ‘ She told me I should find a rich girlfriend .
10 The social workers told me I would like the home and that I could stay on at my old school and still have the same friends .
11 I made the long trip with my boys but the unit told me I should not be there .
12 ‘ He wanted to marry me — he told me I was all he needed to make his life perfect .
13 At last he muttered stiffly , ‘ You told me I had a choice . ’
14 Professor Ruiperez told me I need not start my classes until I was quite recovered , and the women in the office and the library spoke friendly words to me for the first time .
15 I had to go to the doctor in the end and he told me I was suffering from malnutrition .
16 Mr Hart said : ‘ They all turned it down , they told me I was nuts . ’
17 ‘ But they told me I could not , ’ he said .
18 ‘ Some people told me I should have told the selectors to shove it and play for my club instead , but I thought if I kept quiet and plugged away I would get my chance — but I did n't think it would come this season , ’ Andrew said .
19 Another Land Rover main agent told me I need part number GTR III — it has a short stem and a white top .
20 Told me I was jumping to conclusions and weaving fantasies and all the rest of it .
21 A policeman told me I should pay a policeman to escort me to a taxi . ’
22 She told us : ‘ The first time I saw this lady from the Foundation for Global Unity in Canterbury , she told me I had been a young boy in one of the Balkan countries , where slaves were being used to cut down all the trees .
23 I arrived late at night so I had nowhere to go , but I met a greenkeeper who told me I could sleep in the greenkeeper 's hut on the course .
24 He said , ‘ My caddie told me I had to get it . ’
25 A lot of the members told me I was very good — I could pull clubs well and read greens — and I should try going to the Bing Crosby to work for a pro in the tournament .
26 He told me I should never use a leash .
27 Told me I 'd come 5 kilometres .
28 He came back the next day and gave me another £1.2 million and told me I could spend it in any way I wanted .
29 Dick told me I had got it all wrong .
30 Later on , pleading a shortage of space , the reporter told me I would have no chance to answer .
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