Example sentences of "tell them he " in BNC.

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1 He told them he was unable to account for the error .
2 But Mukhamedov , thank you very much , a few months after another rapturous reception on the 1989 tour , walked into the Royal Ballet and told them he 'd quit the Bolshoi and wanted a job .
3 He told them he would never forget them or their lovely school .
4 Assad told them he would prevent this at all costs .
5 When he admitted his offence to the SFA , poor Willie told them he had taken the drug to alleviate hay fever .
6 Eventually he told them he could not serve two masters and as he had , by then , proved himself to Tiller , he was given complete financial control .
7 Mangon told them he had been unable to get work permits for a show at another venue .
8 As he knew there would be no uncertainty about accepting the admission fees from the audience , he told them he would not accept and instead negotiated a nominal fee which at least kept the dancers in work .
9 The jazz star , who recorded the soundtrack to the hit film When Harry Met Sally , told them he had forgotten about the weapon , which was a Christmas present from his sister .
10 They knew without being told that this was the chief telegraphist , whose word was law on starboard watch ; knew it without seeing the three brass buttons on either sleeve cuff which pronounced his rank or the lightning-flashed wings on his right arm that told them he was the telegraphist they sought .
11 Posing as a financial adviser , he told them he could make a quick fortune on the house , farm and flats left by her husband Peter .
12 He told them he was unhappy about the way the bus was being driven on its route from Kent to central London .
13 They acquitted Simon Berkowitz after he told them he was given the shock document , stolen from the Liberal Democrat leader 's solicitors , in a pub .
14 A police spokesman said : ‘ He told them he could not wake his mummy who was found on the ground floor . ’
15 Runciman was not interested and Hughes told them he was busy turning round his company , which had temporarily bombed — an ideal qualification in retrospect .
16 He called the tower , told them he had an emergency and that he was returning for a landing .
17 Roles contacted a local cricket club , told them he wanted to photograph a bowler in action , and asked if they could help .
18 Next Jay told them he 'd step aside but only for some ridiculous sum of money . ’
19 He writ and told them he 'd finished ; then we all finished .
20 Then he told them he had no money and they called a policeman .
21 Dad told them he went for a drink to the pub at Goldsithney , that he left at about nine and came straight home . ’
22 If I told them he was a quiet , shy , unassuming minor civil servant who read a lot of books , they 'd have the weirdo squad from Social Services round straight away .
23 When they first interviewed Sykes , on Monday this is , he told them he was staying at a cottage in the Lake District entirely on his own for the first two and a half weeks in September .
24 But police say both youths ran off after the man told them he did n't believe the gun was real .
25 The man then told them he had the AIDS virus , though prison authorities have not confirmed whether this was true .
26 He told them he wanted to paddle to Norway .
27 We told them he was as soft as clarts .
28 I wonder what these people 's reactions would be if the boss of their works told them he would have to cut safety standards because of the cost ?
29 But Mr Curry told them he had specifically asked to take the debate as there were many sheep farmers in his Skipton and Ripon constituency .
30 He told them he had bought the car but had left the Manwarings in good health .
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