Example sentences of "thing i 've " in BNC.

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1 Look at all the things I 've done — I 'm not being choosy .
2 That 's one of the things I 've done , actually . ’
3 Said a lot of things I 've been meaning to for a long time . ’
4 I would say many of the things I 've said strike a chord in the hearts of ordinary people .
5 I think I can say that during my career most of the things I 've decided ought to be done , I 've got done , but I 've done them in very different ways to other people and sometimes I 've been criticised for not going out and grabbing the headlines .
6 You would n't let out things I 've told you in confidence , would you ? ’
7 Three things I 've always wanted to do : go to Machu Picchu , put my foot in Lake Titicaca and make it with an oriental chick .
8 ‘ I never used to read poetry at all but I 've just found out that it says all the things I 've often felt but never been able to express .
9 The four months I spent there were really one of the best things I 've ever done .
10 Playing with the things I 've learned from Diebenkorn , and hoping to make it back to London next year .
11 ‘ I feel as if I 'm experiencing things I 've never felt before , very strong , potent , overwhelming things . ’
12 ‘ Technically , it 's one of the most difficult things I 've had to do because his music is based on repeating rhythms that lock together to create composite melodies .
13 Basically , the things I 've been involved in have always been different and I 've been lucky .
14 If half the things I 've done became public , I might be behind bars now .
15 You love me — even after all the terrible things I 've done ?
16 Playing with the things I 've learned from Diebenkorn , and hoping to make it back to London next year .
17 I want to go home now and think and think about all the things I 've heard this afternoon . ’
18 Bachelor Phillip said : ‘ Out of all the things I 've done or commendations I 've received , I think this is the one she is most proud of . ’
19 One of the last things I 've written — it 's not finished yet — but the first line is , ‘ I 'm in love with my wife ’ and I probably would n't have written that two years ago .
20 Now come on and no more lip , an' get your clothes off and into that bed , 'cos there 's things I 've got to do before I sleep tonight . ’
21 You see one of the things I 've done , I 've , I 've done , er I feel we could do quite easily , is make our play barns more accessible to young people , you know .
22 I think today that if someone was designing a house one would incorporate all the modern additions which have suddenly become fashionable such as double porches , doubleglazing and er patio windows , I think that these things are perhaps a development from , in the same way as this house is a development from the rooms and the flats we lived in in London so that the modern conceptions of the things I 've mentioned could be incorporated as normal in the house certainly would be cheaper to incorporate them when building the house than adding them on .
23 ‘ The things I 've seen in them vats when I worked for the brewery . ’
24 But some of the things I 've seen are — well , that does n't explain them . ’
25 I 've been on it for over three years and I 'm quite concerned about some of the things I 've heard tonight and I 'm going to make an appointment
26 I think it 's a matter of giving yourself time of accepting that maybe you 're feeling low or I fe , when I 'm feeling low I say right , I ca n't cope with things I 've got to give myself some time where nothing 's gon na bother me , if I can manage it , an hour , half an hour , just doing something for myself that I really like and that helps me once I accept myself as being depressed then it helps alleviate the stress involved with it .
27 That is , if you 're concentrating and observing , which is one of the cardinal things I 've already mentioned .
28 I 've got very strange ideals , and one of the things I 've got a very definite mind on is abortion .
29 Er y erm well the three things I 've got down here , piano , I I notice the piano 's arrived .
30 There 's a second copy , among some things I 've willed to my sister , Vesa . ’
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