Example sentences of "there [vb base] [been] " in BNC.

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1 Erm amongst intellectuals er Er there 's one there 've been suggestions made about the holy alliance .
2 I think there 've been one or two not er brush ups you know in the pubs once er or twice , they er they wo n't drink with them and that and er some of the lads some of the lads that have gone back have really realized the situation they 've put themselves in you know , and they sorry and now they 're on they do n't know which way to turn .
3 Congress , President , the government have got no guts to announce publicly that their intentions to privatize the N H S on a date that will give the leading time with the razzmatazz and P R that they 've done before to sell shares , to sell shares in the British public in a public nationally held N H S , there will be no seats , there will be no Inspector Morses and others as there 've been with Telecom , gas , water and electricity .
4 Maybe just a little front page you know wh look at the big revisions for the sales department or something like that instead of just , when you get a new telephone directory , putting it in your folder and binning the old one , make certain people realise there 've been changes .
5 He says there 've been stories about a buyer but it has n't happened yet .
6 He says there 've been messages of support coming in .
7 The police say there 've been seven suspicious barn fires around in the Oxfordshire in less than a week .
8 It means there 've been more cries for help .
9 We 've been back to some of the places in the film to see what changes there 've been and to talk to some of the people who were in the original film .
10 Well , Joan and Sheila there 've been taking cobwebs down and things like that you know and then paying her to do it .
11 There 've been some big by Shrewsbury over the years , I 'll tell ya there 've been some big clubs here in the past years and it looks very much on the cards again tonight , they have got a massive job on their hands now Blackburn to come back into this .
12 erm In that sense , whereas of course in the case of primary schools there 've been fewer resources but of course far fewer students .
13 Accordingly , an assembly such as this in England — and let me remind you there have been earlier ones , at Sheffield and Keele — is an act of homage to a great and greatly maligned poet ; but it is also , and can not help but be , a patriotic demonstration against ‘ suffocating insular coziness ’ .
14 In the last few days alone there have been probing books about Mrs Thatcher and Winston Churchill which told us a great deal about the murky depths of the authors .
15 In several African and South American states there have been far more serious incidents in which large numbers of people have been killed .
16 Though ESA admits there have been electronic problems with one of the system 's processors , it 's hardly surprising .
17 ‘ The fact is there have been no negotiations for my return to Neighbours and there wo n't be any , at least until I 'm back from touring overseas .
18 But the industry feels there have been enough new and creative uses of the medium for the lack of recognition to become suspicious .
19 One reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against negligence claims , although doctors ' legal defence bodies say there have been no such cases .
20 ‘ I 'm sure there have been plenty of men since , ’ he said , considerably piqued .
21 If , however , the church has not met mid-week and if , in addition , since their previous gatherings there have been difficulties of relationship , things may take longer .
22 In all these countries there have been major debates about what policy to adopt in order to restrict the arrival of such people .
23 Five of the others who were working there have been deported , I know that .
24 Best practice is always a moving target , and in the six years since the directive was issued there have been a number of developments in domestic and international financial reporting that needed to be reflected by credit institutions .
25 ‘ We did originally conclude that the MiG 25 posed no real threat to our air defences , but it would appear there have been some new developments .
26 Apart from a string of excellent new routes there have been a number of alternative activities taking place on southern sandstone .
27 Police say there have been at least 50 armed robberies of tourists in the Orlando area so far this year .
28 Nastiest — I have n't read any nasty things NME has said about me but I 'm sure there have been some over the years
29 ‘ I seem to remember there have been two attempts , one at John F. Kennedy , the other at Heathrow to smuggle bombs aboard planes .
30 As already noted there have been calls for national statements to encourage central and local government to develop sensitive and appropriate family and child care policies , and good child care service and practice .
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