Example sentences of "there [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 His wife had been an islander by birth and after she died he decided to live there where they had spent many happy holidays .
2 They 've got no use for words back there where we 've come from .
3 Just as before she had needed to stay inside the cottage , fearful that she would miss Johnny if he should come , now she needed to be away , out there where her world was still turning , and people laughed and played and did ordinary things .
4 He gloried in the cunningness of it , the feeling of having outwitted the others , of knowing what they did not ; that he was out and away and they were back there where he 'd left them , ignorantly worrying where he was , searching ; wondering .
5 Did not tradition relate how Saint James had three times attempted to ascend Massis , and on the third occasion been told by an angel that it was forbidden , but that the angel had given him a plank of wood from the Ark , and there where he had received it was founded the monastery of Saint James ?
6 " There are places up there where he could have been put in all right without attracting too much attention . "
7 Anything but to raise her eyes and see him there where she ought to be .
8 The old stable is empty — she can live in there where there 's nobody to stand on 'er awd tits '
9 There are also of course anaphoric usages of there ( cf. ( 40 ) above ) , and this explains why there is no necessary pragmatic anomaly in : ( 74 ) We 're there where there refers to the place we previously mentioned as our goal ( Fillmore , 1971b : 226 ) .
10 While there may be nuances between different r chart , er could indicate that we have n't got any clear er how s chart , er could indicate that we have n't got any clear er how we 've marked on there where there were objections to the greenbelt local plan , largely to take areas out of the greenbelt towards of the edge of the greenbelt for development .
11 Now could I ask , if there are any erm matters on there where you have found and error and it 's an error of fact , can I just stress that at this stage ?
12 Possibly , yes er a situation there where you might actually well you tell me what you think , so it 's actually declining , backing off , yeah ?
13 But I think he 's a bit worried I read into this that there 's a current there where you know the peasants are getting very radical , our is we ca n't be too radical and therefore we need to issue something which is gon na .
14 This yard was just a kind of higgledy-piggledy yard with a with a a wall along there where you 're standing and a few lean-tos .
15 And there where you were running al , along with we were running along the chimney with burning la , to warm us hands .
16 You 've got all red eyes there where you 've been crying .
17 And then the other one is down by the , that one 's still there where you pull in by Rayners is that one still there ?
18 I have said consistently we do n't want to be the first in the industry , I would rather await either N A C O T , N A C O M or the U D M seeing what they , the outcome is there as we have traditionally done and then take it from there where you must agree that we have usually improved on their offer when it 's been made .
19 He says : ‘ I can manage — course I ca n't live down there where I was .
20 ‘ There was a point in there where I was 80 per cent sure that these guys were real . ’
21 I was told by the FO in London that I would be met at Johannesburg airport — since British aircraft could not land in Rhodesia while UDI existed — and would be conveyed to the British Consulate there where I could have a rest .
22 Flaubert finished Madame Bovary on April 30th , 1856 : there at Croisset , there where I can jab my finger , between two spreading and unknowing sploshes of watercolour .
23 It 's there where I met him .
24 He curses them , as young men do — but not young ladies — he pulls out the arrow roughly , then leaves the creature there where it lay down and died .
25 I mean clubs that are arranging fixtures will be responsible for telling , they 'll know where it is , and they 'll be responsible for telling people who are coming there where it is .
26 The paper in our lounge and in the hall , and tha where you put that piece to cover it up , it 's all black under there where it 's wearing on the corners of the wall where you go round and kno it looks black , so I 'm sure it 's black underneath and you just
27 And if you did n't want to do national curriculum levels or it was n't appropriate then you could continue your staff comment now or you could draw a wee picture there or something like that , you know ?
28 Kerry would you like to sort of sit over there or something ?
29 you know or or if any of your erm archaeology know anybody in there or something .
30 leave a wee note up there or something ?
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