Example sentences of "thing [Wh det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er this can work er to everybody 's advantage when you 're talking about medical procedures , when you 're talking about giving people injections a encouraging people to eat their greens and er take cod liver oil and all these things which adults believe are are quite good and useful things .
2 He imagined small , cheaply staged pictures of sexual tortures involving ropes and wires — the kind of things which Boy had not yet done .
3 Instead of local authorities having the inherent right , or what in England is called the common law right , to conduct their affairs as they wished , it became established that local authorities could only do those things which Parliament had authorised them to do .
4 One of the things which religions have in common , as John Taylor , the then Bishop of Winchester , noted , is " the capacity for categorical assertion " : " It is the nature of religious experience to put into the believers ' hands a key which is absolute and irreducible .
5 But there had also been this other vision — of the ‘ green wood full of primroses ’ — which he had glimpsed through a hole in the wall , and which promised all the things which Lewis and Greeves had come to label ‘ It ’ or ‘ Joy ’ .
6 A vote for Fox became , absurdly , a vote for the Church , a vote for Orthodoxy , a vote far all the things which Lewis now ‘ stood for ’ .
7 These projects are the sorts of things which Friends of other Gardens , particularly American , undertake in co-operation with their Libraries .
8 Probably that had been one of the things which Aunt Ruth , who had little dress sense , so disliked about her .
9 We appear to value the things which education can bring but are in danger of losing , through an ever-tightening grip on schools , the value and respect we should show to each child .
10 Being fearless is like being immune to pain : it means we do things which others , in their right minds , would never consider .
11 A human being brings in addition the qualities of " consciousness " , " will " , " ideology " , " humour " , " political aspirations " — precisely all the things which systems designers regard as uncertainties and therefore seek to eliminate .
12 Abandoning the need to show the self , it uses documentary to do the things which documentary does best , to detail and report , but carries with it too a wealth of fantastical imagining which has , over the last decade , made women 's photography so strong and be severe .
13 What are the various things which mid-Wales provides for the English ?
14 Predictions have value of course because these are things which affect climate and affect people 's lives , but also making a prediction is a way of trying to verify whether the understanding that we think we have about how the system works can actually be translated into equations which are put on a computer , and then when you let this go it in fact s does indeed do what the real world does .
15 I think she does appeal to the public schoolboy as the sort of mixture of the matron and many other things which psychiatrists could describe . ’
16 Considering all the insupportable things which Wheeler had spent twenty minutes saying to him , he felt remarkably calm .
17 Chapter 4 gives a review of things which teachers can do , in the face of difficult circumstances , to preserve their equanimity , and to try to keep on good form .
18 When he said " Give us free speech " in the first number of The Polar Star , he made plain one of the two main things which Russia lacked .
19 The solitary willow , the gutted brook : these were the things which Clare picked out as the climax of his catalogue of casualties in this , one of his finest poems .
20 While they were working on this case there were some things which Nikos had better not know .
21 Even though Gundovald can never have said some of the things which Gregory attributes to him , the bishop of Tours must have had some reason for putting the words into his mouth .
22 Statutes are only one of the means by which governments can achieve their policy objectives and there are , surprisingly , relatively few things which governments can do only with the approval of Parliament as expressed in the passing of a statute .
23 In a perverse way , the new utopia dredged up ancient ways of doing things which capitalism a few decades earlier had threatened to abolish .
24 for young people and if one of the things that corporations to my mind have a positive duty to do which is the social responsibility and we live in a society so increasingly fractured , rudderless and you know not so far away in places from anarchy that they have a duty to do things which effect maybe to see one the Bs not the A ones the Bs
25 Together , they 're remaking a house , planning a family , all the things which Lowe once meant to leave until much later in his life .
26 The fact is that there are so many things which interest children now , and comics do n't have the place they once did .
27 One of the things which John Cook found in his exercises with the computer was that , as far as the stress distribution at the actual crack tip region is concerned , it does not very much matter how the load is applied .
28 Paraphrases can only capture part of what these significances represent : A represents something like " things which children have to learn in order to communicate " ; B — " features of buildings ( grand and ecclesiastical ) " ; C — " features of buildings ( plain and domestic ) " ; D — " outdoor terrain for boys ' amusements " ; E — " grand architectural features " , and so on .
29 There are things which God has not given us to know , and we must learn to accept this patiently .
30 These new techniques brought about an increase in the things which people needed to control for production , especially land , herds , tools , and even the slaves who became of importance at this stage .
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