Example sentences of "thing [be] in " in BNC.

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1 The conviction carried by how things are in his fiction can not be separated from the sense that they might be otherwise .
2 One can only understand how things are in terms of concepts in the first place , so in a sense the concepts came first since natural conditions only gain significance in terms of the way one had learned to see them .
3 At least I know where things are in the station .
4 Now that electricity has been brought to nearly all the villages , the inhabitants can cluster around a television set and see how much better things are in Bangkok .
5 With this aim in view , he makes explicit that what the sceptics deny is the possibility of knowledge of ‘ the inner nature of things … what the things are in themselves ’ ; when they say that there is no criterion of truth , ‘ they are not speaking of what things appear to be and of what is revealed by the senses … but of what things are in themselves , which is so hidden that no criterion can disclose it ’ .
6 With this aim in view , he makes explicit that what the sceptics deny is the possibility of knowledge of ‘ the inner nature of things … what the things are in themselves ’ ; when they say that there is no criterion of truth , ‘ they are not speaking of what things appear to be and of what is revealed by the senses … but of what things are in themselves , which is so hidden that no criterion can disclose it ’ .
7 The pagan philosophers have introduced cycles of time in which the same things are in the order of nature being restored and repeated , and have asserted that these whirlings of past and future ages will go on unceasingly … .
8 Even so , his grand accommodation suggests that great things are in store for him .
9 Choices of ends , as of means , are debatable in terms of public tests ( of whether things are in fact as the agent imagines them , whether his reactions as observed in his behaviour are as he feels them to be ) , but can take account of public observations only to the extent that they are subjectively confirmed .
10 That 's another indication of how tight things are in the High Street .
11 He does not change his mind , nor his perception of how ‘ things are in the world ’ .
12 Many things are in short supply ; diseases such as polio and hepatitis are spreading .
13 I have enough intelligence to go and look at graphs and look at charts and do my research and I see the turn that was made from 1979 to 1989 and I see the way things are in my country .
14 We can know how things are in front of our noses , maybe , but it is not possible to know that an altruistic act is morally good , nor that God exists , nor that you will have eggs for breakfast tomorrow .
15 I do n't like to use an elevator to make one storey , but the way things are in Hollywood , I knew there likely would n't be any stairs .
16 Two figures were seated in the shadows , unseeable but known , as things are in dreams .
17 Things are in flux and the new T'ang has asked for me .
18 As I said , things are in flux and there are rumours of rioting in the lower levels .
19 " Are you going to pretend you do n't know why things are in this state ? "
20 It is not that these things are in themselves opposed to religion , but the possessiveness and distractedness which they tend to promote are .
21 Erm and he says there all things are in all things but each is coloured according to the host .
22 One of the things that makes war so fascinating to its students and so frustrating to its participants is that in a moment of supreme crisis it is rarely given for one side , obsessed by its own difficulties , to see just how bad things are in the enemy camp .
23 I think what 's happened the moon is is either set already or it 's so low down in the sky we ca n't see it because the buildings and things are in the way .
24 If this is what happens in the North now , how much worse then would things be in a united Ireland ? :
25 And Everything being in Westminster scares , frankly , almost as many people at the moment as too many things being in Brussels .
26 In effect , the alternatives presented to the ‘ counter-culture ’ by the liminal experience were also available to some of us in our marginal police world , and we were forced to see that those concepts of order and disorder we had once taken almost as the natural way of things were in fact only one model for society ; a single framework for social action !
27 One day while out visiting with Father John a man asked me how things were in my country .
28 No one thought it odd , just the way things were in the ‘ old ’ South Africa .
29 They accepted it as a general statement of how things were in the past .
30 She felt herself to be still very slightly dazed , disorientated enough to give the impression that she was a disinterested observer of the scene and not quite able to realise that these things were in fact happening to her .
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