Example sentences of "thing [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Patting a horse , instead of stroking or scratching it , only has a few valid uses : as a muscular relaxant and distraction ; and as a part of ‘ breaking-in ’ so that the horse gets used to things thumping around on its back before it is actually ridden .
2 Maybe our Wilko is a bit old-fashioned and he may view things transmitted electronically in a different light .
3 the beach is down there , you can see the things sticking up you
4 There were things sticking out all over the place on the Albini recordings but we came away with a sound we liked , ’ says the bass player .
5 I remember making her a little black satin coat and Dutch bonnet with things sticking out and all edged with lace and it was all er black satin and underneath the bonnet was er pleated er blue chiffon .
6 Look at that it 's got things sticking out .
7 Cap it 's sort of have these strings things sticking out I just do n't like it whatever it is .
8 Erm well the things I have to do are basically all the things listed on here still .
9 The future lay with minds of a different type — minds which saw that government was a matter of administration , and not an attempt to reproduce on earth a pattern of things laid up in Heaven .
10 She 'd have things in trays on their table — cakes and bread and ginger biscuits and cough candy — but it was really queer because when you went in you could n't smell any of the lovely things laid out on the table .
11 CANO LEE MIN Things sensed out of sight that will return
12 They were very conservative in their political outlook and wanted things to remain exactly as they were under the Romans .
13 However , things recovered somewhat and in 1970 the Club was back into a sound bar profit .
14 ‘ Just string him along until we get things squared away .
15 It was strange how good and bad could run into each other , could appear as interchangeable : not the good of succouring the sick , nor the bad of shooting the helpless , but in the subtler regions of morality where things blended together and seemed to make the business of living easier .
16 There would be all sorts of things rattling down on you — railings and chamber pots and lavatory pots .
17 As I went out , past the shrouded furniture in the front room ( things made ready these twenty years past for the move that never came ) I noticed a Lowry reproduction hanging over the mantelpiece that had n't been there on my last visit .
18 Eventually things got cool enough for the protons and neutrons to fuse and form atomic nuclei ; later still it was possible for electrons to cling to the nuclei , thus creating atoms .
19 Dismayingly , things got little better in the post-Ottoman period .
20 ‘ A huge fight ensued and things got pretty ugly
21 When they got to the railway station in Belfast , things got even worse .
22 But things got even worse between me and Tony .
23 And er well things got on and er gradually I had .
24 With so many children [ plus their parents ] present , things got rather hectic — particularly during the party games .
25 Now , when things got too bad , she would say to herself , ‘ I can go to Aunt Violet . ’
26 Charles was unused to moving in circles where interior designers were used ; most of his friends just accumulated clutter and wielded emulsion brushes when things got too tatty ; but he recognised the genuine article when he saw it .
27 ‘ When things got too hot for her at home with Margaret she 'd often spend a night at my flat cooling off . ’
28 Duncan decided at that moment that if things got really bad he would blitz the Russian with some of the Skoda and Lada jokes that were popular in the West .
29 Instead , there simply has to be some consensus among the Rowdies that if things got really bad he would still maintain his stance and be man enough to deal with it .
30 When things got really bad , Mr Shakespeare used the whistle .
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