Example sentences of "those [vb pp] are " in BNC.

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1 It is extremely worrying that in non-diabetics half the cases of hypertension are undiagnosed , half those diagnosed are untreated and of the half that are treated half are inadequately controlled ( WHO Expert Committee on Hypertension , 1978 ) .
2 Nearly half of those registered are in the jobs market for the first time .
3 Chapter 31 , Personal Reference Libraries , identifies some of the many dictionaries now available to aid the researcher , and those listed are recommended as desirable if not downright essential .
4 Inevitably , not all reports can be covered , and the summaries of those included are brief and highly selective .
5 Among those threatened are the arctic fox , lynx , wolf , northern brown bear , oak mouse , European otter and ringed seal , together with a number of insects , birds and plants .
6 Those shown are inadequate and confusing and if mentally accessible to walkers , would I 'm sure , prove a barrier to the inexperienced hoofer like myself .
7 Fourthly it is generally true to say that fewer people are required to operate such systems and those employed are normally kept outside the main storage area .
8 The trials to select the Great Britain under 20 water polo squad are at Sheffield this weekend and among those invited are Middlesbrough 's Paul Floyd and Lee Cooke .
9 Many of those affected are members of the engineering workers union the AEU , where news of the job cuts was greeted with despondancy .
10 Among those damaged are the remains of two Viking nousts or boathouses .
11 Because of the restrictions placed on the scheme by the Government only 101 of the 550 are to get relief , even although some of those refused are severely disabled .
12 Many of those arrested are to appear before magistrates shortly …
13 Four of those arrested are being held on suspicion of armed robbery .
14 Among those projected are galleries housing ethnographic material currently in the Museum of Mankind , including material from the Americas to be displayed in four rooms carved out of a large space at the end of the existing North Library .
15 These stories are commonplace , although those involved are wary of going on record .
16 Those involved are asked to make sure they have a copy .
17 Those involved are asked to make sure they have a copy .
18 As with viewing figures , the newsmen knew a juicy liaison , especially if those involved are trying to keep it a secret , does wonders for sales and circulation .
19 ‘ Boardroom struggles for power , wheeler-dealing in the buying and selling of shares and , indeed , of whole clubs sometimes suggest that those involved are more interested in the personal financial benefits or social status of being a director than of directing the club in the interests of its customers . ’
20 Those involved are either too distressed , too wounded or too ill-equipped to say what happened and yet it is vital , for the safety of others , that it be brought to public notice .
21 In this business , you 're on dodgy ground trying to attach the words ‘ courage ’ and ‘ integrity ’ to anything ; certainly the Heavenly EP is for a good cause , and those involved are doing a lot for their profiles in the worthiest possible way , blah blah , charidee , blah blah AIDS , but Sinead has done too ( see following letter ) and in any case , she 's on another planet to these people .
22 Given the essentially secret nature of much deviant behaviour , those involved are unlikely to be willing to be interviewed , or at least to give truthful answers , in a survey .
23 In practice settings , those involved are often struggling to find ways of resolving the dilemmas they face .
24 & name , speaking last week at the unveiling of the commission 's final summary report , said he was struck by how many of those involved are now — like himself — part of the new administration .
25 As Miliband ( 1974 ) says , ‘ Old age , disablement , low pay , unemployment , etc. become synonymous with poverty in so far as those involved are members of the working class . ’
26 Those involved are attempting to come to grips with the injustices , the inequalities and the prejudices of a political system in which the practice of representative democracy appears to have little relevance to their plight as they battle against the social and economic problems briefly outlined above .
27 ‘ The precise numbers of those involved are not yet known , ’ explained chief executive Dr Brian Eyre .
28 Although we may recognise that , those involved are often not thanked .
29 Senior security sources say they are hampered in their investigations because several of those involved are thought to live across the border outside their jurisdiction .
30 But so far those involved are saying nothing .
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