Example sentences of "even [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 He leaned closer to the window , but saw even less as his breath fogged the glass .
2 Those who play aleatory music ( where the composer may use only graphic signs , or may suggest certain note-groups , to be played in a certain way , or even perhaps as the player wishes ) may also have a stock-in-trade of musical gestures which will help them produce a convincing result in any situation .
3 Although time seems always to have been important for Petrarch , he tended to value it even more as he got older because he realized that , as with other things , it becomes more precious as it becomes less plentiful .
4 Her pace slowed even more as she thought of the house dark and sour with grief .
5 My own swollen hand seemed to hurt even more as I watched him .
6 The shrieking sent shivers up Tallis 's spine , and Wyn-rajathuk paled even more as he straightened and stared , alarmed , through the lodge walls , towards the mortuary hill .
7 Constance blushed even harder as the silence grew .
8 Her head swam as his lips probed hers and she softened even further as his hands began to caress her compulsively .
9 Dawn is not ideal even now as it has very limited sleeping accommodation .
10 One other thought I will write … you are even now as you were , and ever must be , beautiful , pure and passionate .
11 Even now as he stood there by the kitchen table he could see Caspar closing in on the weaker lamb , and he could hear that weird and terrible wailing of Lee 's .
12 Mr Kinnock 's voice was choked with emotion as , refusing to concede defeat , he said : ‘ Even now as the recounts are going on in a very large number of seats the results of this election is not decided . ’
13 That same mood was on him even now as he stood there looking up at the house .
14 And the destruction continues even now as Third World countries are devastated by the highly processed , chemicalized food and agriculture exported to them by the West .
15 Even now as she looked into those harsh , compelling features , she knew only a terrible longing to simply throw herself into his arms , to find the sanctuary and warmth only he could give her .
16 ( Today no one would dare propose such a thing , even purely as a thought experiment , but in Schrödinger 's time they had not heard of animal liberation . )
17 Next to him his wife , a tall rangy woman whom Sven Hjerson somehow saw even here as being astride a hunter , was leaning forward tapping the tips of the fingers of each hand one against the other .
18 ‘ It might be too late , ’ shouted Greg , coughing even here as he inhaled .
19 Even today as she tells the story , she is harassed .
20 They appear even today as can be shown by the many supposed sightings of such creatures as the North American big-foot and its distant relation , the Yeti , and even the Loch Ness Monster , which has prompted an exhaustive scientific survey .
21 Even today as I write this , a football match between the men and the women of Halling is taking place , the teams being known as the Go-Go Girls and Bionic Males .
22 Perhaps smacking should be regarded as a last resort and even then as something of a failure in communication between parent and child .
23 Irene moved even closer as the conversation took another turn .
24 That a computer can be taught to work like that has always been a controversial proposition ; even today there are observers who believe that it is impossible to build a machine ( at least with current programming techniques ) that can plan even remotely as well as a human .
25 One of the sport 's most natural drivers — no one , ever , participated in more forms of motor sport , for as long or even remotely as successfully — he favoured , as a simple man , those things which gave him simple pleasures .
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