Example sentences of "after [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 If locally at y the second part of eqn ( 6.16 ) is to be satisfied after transforming to the unprimed coordinates we must therefore have .
2 In addition to bringing down interest rates by another two per cent , he has to establish the right monetary policy after sticking to the wrong one for two years .
3 Doctors at King 's College Hospital , London , believe that Aisling Barnett , 35 , who suffered liver failure after reacting to a drug prescribed after the birth of her daughter , would have died yesterday if not for the operation .
4 Feeling worn out after preaching to the thousands who flocked to hear him , he found renewed stimulation and encouragement for his ministerial labours .
5 However , they never recovered after crashing to 31-5 as Taylor took an Australian one-day record four catches and used his bowlers impressively in the absence of injured regular captain Allan Border .
6 " " Woodnesse " " , " madness " , itself becomes a theme of the tale , as Nicholas screams " " as he were wood " " ( 3814 ) on being branded , and Alison and Nicholas assert that John was " " wood " " after crashing to the ground in his tub ( 3833 ) .
7 Darcy , in second place overnight , took 74 and O'Connor fell from third to 25th after crashing to an embarrassing 80 .
8 She came in every day , after seeing to the babies , if there was no-one about .
9 Hateley was shown the red card for pushing away defender Rudi Cossey , who indulged in some play-acting after tumbling to the ground .
10 ‘ Mrs Benson has been here waiting very patiently , ’ she said , and , after apologising to her client , Sophie set to work .
11 Surgeon banned after speeding to emergency
12 Some of the most successful war artists were appointed from combatant ranks after proving to be inept soldiers .
13 As with all professions , medical and pharmacological competence can not and should not be taken for granted , as evidenced by the frequency with which new drugs are introduced and then withdrawn from the market after proving to be harmful , even fatal in continued use .
14 Some of the most successful war artists were appointed from combatant ranks after proving to be inept soldiers .
15 After journeying to Jerusalem in 1923 with funds provided by the Palestine Foundation Fund , he painted surprisingly naturalistic views of the city and countryside .
16 Should I refuse to do so , the soldiers themselves were to return after announcing to the Danakil that the authorities took no further responsibility for my safety .
17 Morley went after appearing to head-butt Gianluca Francesconi in an 11th minute off-the-ball incident , drawn to Italian referee Graziano Cesari 's attention by English linesman Paul Vosper .
18 Still , even after signing to EMI The Smiths had to maintain a further year 's recording schedule with Rough Trade .
19 Khieu Samphan , 58 , has a doctorate in economics from the University of Paris , and after returning to Cambodia set up a left-wing newspaper and served in Sihanouk 's parliament before fleeing to join the Khmer Rouge in the bush in 1967 .
20 ‘ I do n't need to be more famous , ’ he said last week after returning to a charmingly comfortable home converted from farm buildings some 15 miles to the north-west of Newcastle .
21 After returning to England and continuing his education at Bedales , the co-educational boarding school in Hampshire , Richard went to America to read drama at UCLA .
22 After returning to Going , we arrange a meeting point for the group for a farewell dinner , and even a small gift !
23 His friendship with Byron fired his own literary ambitions and after returning to London in 1812 he published two volumes on his travels .
24 After returning to Britain in 1988 , Elizabeth got a job with the exclusive magazine London Portrait as an advertising and promotions manager .
25 Charles raced to the Duke of Beaufort 's Hunt , close to Highgrove , just five hours after returning to Britain after his Korean and Hong Kong tour .
26 Austrian Gerhard Berger was sixth in a Ferrari , also on his first outing after returning to the team , having stolen through on the penultimate lap .
27 OH , SO HAPPY : The Qulis show off Farrah after returning to a massive welcome from neighbours last night
28 Shortly after returning to Etosha , Ian Hofmeyr was killed when his catching truck , pulling over to make way for a lorry on a park track , rolled onto its side in an irrigation ditch .
29 I mentioned the incident at Land 's End and was told that it was not unusual for student pilots who dare to stray into the military areas to receive a safe wingtip and tail helicopter escort home , leaving the student a gibbering wreck long after returning to the club house .
30 After returning to Soho , Murdock was put in charge of the mechanical department and was regarded as the right-hand man of Boulton & Watt .
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