Example sentences of "find her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ace moved to the next pod , anxious to find her friends from Moloch .
2 Changed , he returned into the lounge to find her standing at the window again , as if watching for the assassin 's return .
3 And then came the day when he came home to find her standing by the door with her bags packed .
4 ‘ Suzie is n't — ’ she began belligerently , only to find her voice faltering to a halt as Rune , clearly oblivious to the start of her protest , swept his cool glance over her from the crown of her dark head to the sensible shoes on her graceful feet .
5 Robyn struggled to find her voice .
6 Lindsey swallowed hard in an effort to find her voice .
7 I have n't had any calls from you , ’ Laura gasped , finally managing to find her voice at last .
8 She stared at him speechlessly , hardly daring to believe the hidden meaning behind his words , then , just as she managed to find her voice , there was a knock at the door .
9 Getting to the Health Centre was a tedious business involving a bus and a clanking ride for a few stops on the underground and Erika was glad to find her way to it , jammed among the usual blocks of flats , although at that time of night they had rather a festive air with every window lighted .
10 Every individual has to find her way of tapping and using her creative resources , whether her daily environment is a home or an office .
11 It occurred to her later , when she was in the westbound Central Line train , but not then , not when she was trying to find her way to the interchange .
12 For some years her vision had only enabled her to find her way about her house : she could not read and could scarcely see her television .
13 Trying to find her way back out was obviously a nonstarter but staying here she would probably be spotted fairly quickly .
14 Desperation to escape also helped her to find her way through the labyrinth of passageways , up to her room on the second floor .
15 She was here , she said , to be herself , to find her way again .
16 But as she reached him the vision shimmered and disappeared and she was alone , stumbling as she tried to find her way through the shadows of a forest , mist cloaking the branches of the trees .
17 An ice raft for a snowbound fishbird to find her way to warm . ’
18 To realise this , it is necessary , that Comrade Winnie Mandela is helped to find her way into the structures and discipline of the Mass Democratic Movement .
19 She lugged her case up the wrong stairway , came out facing the open lough , had to find her way around the superstructure .
20 She was endeavouring to find her way to the courtyard when , reaching the end of one of the wide corridors , she found herself in a long gallery lined with portraits .
21 Neither of them seemed to find her presence remarkable or unusual .
22 cheerfully , why do n't you sit in the tree and sing to me , when all the moss and , was in place the chaffinch went to find her hair .
23 She plays Reggie Lambert , a woman who returns from holiday to find her Paris apartment stripped bear and her estranged husband murdered .
24 But she , who had run fifteen thousand miles to find her freedom , she who had driven Jim out of the house rather than wash his dirty teacups , was now a slave to someone who never washed their cups , who was never interested in her ideas , who never wanted to talk , hear , understand , sympathise , who hurt one 's body as no one had ever hurt it before and who chained one forever to mountains , not just of washing-up , but of washing itself .
25 She 'd been used to hopping around and flapping about wherever she pleased , so it came as a bit of a shock to find her freedom of movement restricted by the jesses .
26 Annoyed to find her fingers trembling , she tore it open .
27 Cross to find her fingers transformed into thumbs by the watchful blue eyes , she added a spoonful of olive oil to the boiling water , then threw in the coils of pasta .
28 If she wants to find her relatives , I suggest that she looks in the villages .
29 Mia , waking up to find her companion still sleeping , hardly gives the impression that she has spent a passionate night .
30 One morning when Harriet had gone early to Penzance not only to shop but also to have her hair done , Liza came downstairs in her dressing-gown to find her daughter and Edna having , unusually for them , an altercation .
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