Example sentences of "man [conj] his " in BNC.

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1 Captain Gerhard Mans and his men are not great purveyors of the subtle art of seven-a-side rugby .
2 What have we overlooked in blaming the man or his bugs for the cold ?
3 It did not seem to be the man or his capacities that changed in these cases , so much as the needs and expectations of his followers , organizations , and markets .
4 Neither the man nor his union could have pursued the case alone , but thanks to the insurance he eventually collected £22,500 compensation .
5 How could she tell this hostile man that his brother had only suggested she pretend to be his fiancée as they 'd turned into the long drive leading up to Rocamar ?
6 Concentrating more on the man than his business , and full of horror stories .
7 He is a better man than his two younger brothers , and he is different from his sister .
8 So these beginning years focused on reality — the underbelly of creation as well as its brightness — which was of immense importance to the making of the man and his mind .
9 ( One of America 's leading Jungian psychologists , Dr Joseph L. Henderson , in Man And His Symbols , edited by Carl Jung , has made the connection — without reference to Leonard 's work , to be sure .
10 The programme of many modern philosophers , therefore , has been to develop a conception of man and his mind which either disposes of or downgrades the inner , private arena , making the function of mind essentially a part of the public and physical world .
11 It has no outside to it ( hence Dostoevsky 's ready acceptance of Christ the complete man and his difficulties with God ) .
12 Greatly as I admire both the man and his work , I consider Max Beerbohm a dangerous influence — just how dangerous one must perhaps have been brought up in England to know .
13 Marcos supporters have asked the Supreme Court to reverse the ban , but Mrs Aquino , who ousted Mr Marcos in a ‘ people 's power ’ revolt in 1986 , said : ‘ The return of this man and his minions poses a greater threat to the democratic constitution he ironically invokes than denying him entry would tend to subvert the fundamental law . ’
14 Next to us sat a man and his two children .
15 The man and his wife were weighed down by almost every burden known to the philoprogenitive , ill-paid artisan ; their home overcrowded , even their animals wretchedly tormented .
16 Since then we 've had a new roof , but its glossy perfection , like a blank page , says nothing about man and his lifelong bargaining with time .
17 Thames Water is one of the biggest water companies in the world ; Cholderton and District Water Company near Salisbury is run by a man and his wife , and supplies water to a couple of small villages on a private estate .
18 But the rabbi was a very kind man and his heart went out to the poor man .
19 Rape is only held to have been committed in English law where the sexual intercourse is ‘ unlawful ’ , and it is generally assumed that the function of that term is to remove non-consensual intercourse between a man and his wife from the ambit of rape .
20 As active manipulator of his existence , he falls within the realm of culture , and so , just as culture is deemed superior to nature , so man and his activities are considered superior to woman and her world .
21 It is important to note that it was only the statements of this man and his wife which contained any evidence of Paisley 's knowledge of the crimes , and the juries determined that they were not trustworthy witnesses .
22 His colleagues at the NSC , John Lang continued , had given him the nickname ‘ Knight Rider ’ , after the television hero ( ’ one man and his machine , dedicated to the righting of wrongs ’ ) , for his disappearances to confer with the contras .
23 It is one of the most substantial ( 371 pages ) reconsiderations of the man and his music to have been published for some time and , although it is not easy reading , it is a stimulating book which opera producers in particular should keep handy .
24 Bowie was a cautious man and his two previous reports on leukaemia incidence in the county had not been tinged with any anti-nuclear sentiment .
25 In many cases the buildings show the Nordic influence of the long house with farm buildings attached , sheltering man and his animals under the same roof , and the gallery may be on the house or barn .
26 In a new collection of his photographs — My Lithuania — from publishers Thames and Hudson ( £24.00 ) , he certainly admits to literary pretensions as a young man and his photographs can be seen as an attempt to capture the lives of fellow Lithuanians in the detail which only words can usually portray .
27 The young man and his sister went hunting in the wild woods , and the little tailor , whose inclination did not lie that way , stayed by the hearth and was merry with them in the evenings .
28 This multiple view of Cruz not only gives an insight into the conflicting forces that have been struggling to control his soul , but also reflects his loss of integrity as a man and his disintegration in face of his approaching death .
29 The cold pint at the Cluanie Inn was nectar and , as we polished it off , our man and his party arrived .
30 The next morning was drizzling , damp and miserable and our man and his party were not at breakfast .
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