Example sentences of "man [pron] just " in BNC.

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1 She 's with the man I just saw you talking to .
2 For him to brush it off in such a way — I do n't know what would make him say things like that , he 's the sort of man I just would n't expect to have …
3 I thought , ‘ Here is this man who just begs to be loved , and who just wants to be a handsome , gorgeous leading man , ’ but who really was not .
4 He looked imploringly at Connors , but it 's no use pleading with a man who just had a machine gun go off in his face .
5 I 'm talking about the man who just came in . ’
6 A single mother and her teenage daughter , the mother 's latest boyfriend and the girl 's first love and the young man who just wants someone to care for .
7 Signe said , ‘ That man who just flew off in the aeroplane taught me some words of Latin . ’
8 We are not sure whether Jasper Lyon is an elderly gentleman reminiscing about World War Two or a young man who just had a bee in his bonnet as a schoolboy about flying a Stirling bomber rather than becoming a Spitfire pilot .
9 And how how they got on er with losing these men I just do n't know .
10 The implication is that these women were the sexual victims of men who just wanted a good time .
11 I know twenty men who just would not believe it . ’
12 They were they were asking for them to make more slates for for less money and they were n't prepared to sit down and really talk it through with the men they just treated you know they just had this awful attitude
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