Example sentences of "man [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I never ran marathons , but gradually increased my distance , starting with a 30-mile race , then the Isle of Man 40 on the TT course , where I did well , and the following week I ran from Edinburgh to Glasgow , which is about 50 miles and came in about second or third . ’
2 Asked whether clerics really could take authoritative decisions on issues such as oil production , he replied with the practised gestures of a man used to presenting arguments to the sceptical : ‘ Islam can solve all difficulties ; it was so in the past and it will be the same in the future . ’
3 He was a man used to taking his favoured clients to the Ritz or to Claridges .
4 With the authority of a man used to calling hounds to heel he 'd taken the arm from the dog , wrapped it in a towel and set it on the draining board .
5 A man used to wielding an axe fought best on foot , and preferred the round targe with its cutting-edge and ramming-spike to the long , harp-shaped shields of the cavalry .
6 But then , he was a man used to buying whatever he wanted , a man used to having his own way .
7 He spoke rapidly , as a man due at the crematorium in half an hour .
8 LINLITHGOW Man due in court on murder charge
9 His Hal would be a truant Prince , perhaps , a man disobedient to his father and contemptuous of the popular expectation , but no less a Prince for that , always watching , always using the lines to cut out a space for himself .
10 She then went home — there was a man asleep on the doorstep whom she took care not to waken — and apologized to Peter .
11 Returning late to his hotel , he noticed a man asleep in the middle of the Place Iéna : Modigliani .
12 The old man asleep in the middle of them all was Emmet Ryan .
13 Hardly enough to keep a man alive for more than a month or two .
14 It was like being the last man alive on earth .
15 We must always remember that a panic attack has its basis in the alarm reaction which is a normal bodily mechanism which has helped to keep the species of man alive in situations of danger for thousands of years .
16 Michael Scudamore , a man rich on race memories , father of champion jockey , Peter .
17 Third man guilty of prison riot
18 ( The last sentence of transportation to be pronounced by a Mayor of Saltash was in 1877 , upon a ‘ ticket of leave ’ man guilty of stealing a watch at the town 's regatta ) .
19 The Court then decided that the Tribunal 's decision was perverse , because there was no material from which to conclude that the hypothetical man guilty of misconduct would not have been dismissed in the same way as was S. Her appeal was dismissed and leave to appeal to the House of Lords was refused .
20 Man guilty of attempting to murder wife
21 Some acts put a man outside it altogether : at a summer assembly in 846 , a man guilty of sodomy with a mare was condemned " by the judgement of the Franks to be burned alive " .
22 Crowe and Anthea Warburton lay parallel , Anthea pale only by contrast with Lady Rose 's bright darkness , and with the sunburnt red earth colour of Crowe , who had the look of a man bronzed against nature by willpower and decisive planning , a man whose ruddiness was made for peeling crimson but who had constrained his skin to stay on — even the thin shiny tonsure — and go terra-cotta .
23 Some of the clergy were less fortunate , becoming victims of persecution by Puritan divines with few wider sympathies ; predominant among the latter was Francis Cheynell , a man instrumental in depriving a number of the cathedral and rural clergy .
24 The back of the awesome figure caught in the dying rays of the flare was holding a kicking man high above his head , throwing him as they watched over the side and into the sea .
25 But he does n't have any suggestions to offer me about how to make a man interested in a future beyond a one-night stand .
26 When his mother had told him , as she always told any man interested in Edith , about the bastard child , he had just smiled .
27 When a girl was a marriageable age , her father advertised this by placing a pot of sweet basil on the windowsill of his house ; the young man interested in finding himself a bride would send a matchmaker to her parents , as guarantors of his good character .
28 ‘ A man interested in finding out the truth , and therefore seeing that justice is done .
29 Looking down into his eyes , Harry Pascoe knew instinctively that there was in Tristram the makings of the sort of man he would have liked to have been himself : a man of honour , a man untroubled by jealousy or a guilty conscience .
30 Whatever his sins it is clear that a man subject to such fits of remorse would have been well aware that a crusade was a religious act as well as a great military adventure .
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