Example sentences of "how things [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Descartes never questioned his beliefs about how things seemed to him at the time ; he asked instead how he could know other things , such as the existence of God or of a material world .
3 He had forgotten how things smelled .
4 Although Watson wanted to go beyond mere taxonomy , he adopted an essentially descriptive approach to geographical studies and saw no point in advancing speculative explanations of how things came to be in their present state until much more data were available :
5 ‘ Dad was only concerned about how things affected her , and now he does n't really care . ’
6 A mark of how things had changed was that there was now a hospital to which he could be admitted : there in the University College Hospital in Gower Street he made a will on 7 October witnessed by his old friend Edward Humberstone .
7 Even young students were aware of how things had changed .
8 From the hospital foyer he tried to telephone the Substitute who had been in court all afternoon and wanted to hear how things had gone .
9 But above all ironic amusement at how things had worked out .
10 I had called round at the house early in the week to check on how things had gone over the weekend .
11 Or a couple , who talked a lot about how things had been , and how they were n't the same now .
12 She pretty well knew how things had stood between Father and me in the last few years .
13 She thought it was funny how things had worked out .
14 So I tended to stick with how things had been ; it was more comforting to think I 'd be able to pick up where I 'd left off .
15 In a romantic , rather cloying story of an English family , the authoress Jan Struther ( Joyce Anstruther ) showed how things had changed : A new community feeling was being expressed and those keen to work for the development of State initiatives were quick to feed on it ( Marwick , 1968 ) .
16 Dai told the story of how one of the visitors , a wealthy industrialist , came into his well stocked shop to use the phone and find out how things had been going at work during his absence .
17 I was surprised how things had changed — as I walked in I was given a big plastic number 33 ( shame I did n't turn up later as I could have stolen the number 38 to replace my house number which has seen better days ) and was given a list of reasons not to give blood .
18 He could n't clearly see the buildings or tell how things had changed since he was last in London .
19 The local people had stoned her for wearing trousers in the street and Fernando had ruefully added how things had changed since then — now anything went in Majorca .
20 ‘ I was at Corps yesterday , ’ he said , ‘ and General Somebody was telling people how things looked , and he said we were definitely on top .
21 I think I could pay you two shillings a week for the first year and we 'd have to see how things went .
22 How things went with them from then on we know from what has come out in public .
23 Right , yeah it does , I mean there were , that 's how things went .
24 You know we were all amateurs at the game , the workers , but some of the women you know do it professionally , had worked elsewhere , knew how things went on elsewhere you know , with the D H S S or whatever .
25 If this was how things worked , just about every war veteran that ever was would ‘ inevitably ’ end up homeless because of their past .
26 First he would have to learn about this place , learn about how things worked here before he might start with a few tentative enquiries .
27 1 He shot down once and for all the established accounts of British politics ; they were " quite wrong " as descriptions and explanations of how things worked .
28 His first book , War and Trade in the West Indies , 1739–1763 ( 1936 ) , a tour de force based on immense research , was infused throughout by his pursuit of what he once declared to be his prime interest in history — ‘ to find out how things worked ’ .
29 He knew how things worked , but was n't about to be deceived again .
30 Doherty , from Strabane , had joined Derry on a one-month contract after being released at Old Trafford , the intention being to see how things worked out at the Brandywell .
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