Example sentences of "how many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How many teams were suppose to meet out of that ?
2 Sue Burrows said : ‘ We do not know what to expect or how many teams will be taking part but we are going there with a positive attitude .
3 How many teams have there been in the leagues anyone has played in ?
4 Now then , how many teams are INVOLVED on any project ?
5 And into how many positions can couples contort themselves on the covers of sex guides ?
6 It is not yet clear how many criteria teachers and others can be expected to manage , or find useful , but the limited amount of research and observation which has been conducted in this area suggests that teachers do not always work at a high level of detailed information .
7 While they were cutting the suit off me they asked ‘ How many persons on board ? ’
8 Insofar as it provides information on their situation one year ago , the LFS enables us to see how many persons enter employment via temporary jobs .
9 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many persons are currently unemployed and claiming benefit .
10 But how many persons must have their morals affected before the test is made out ?
11 How many sounds does a cat make ?
12 I will also seek to show how many parallels can be drawn between the arguments used to legitimate corporate managerial power and the arguments used in administrative law to explain , control and legitimate the power conferred upon administrative bodies .
13 We can now tell how many vibrations a molecule has and decide their symmetry species , and so determine their IR and Raman activities .
14 So how many pence would you pay for a gram on that first bar ?
15 One wonders how many symphonies were ever composed or how many masterpieces created with that .
16 The Environmental Health Officer will advise you of how many estimates you need to send with your application .
17 How many guns ?
18 Since both Greek and Turkish Cypriot political leaders accepted that a new Cyprus republic would have a federal and bizonal character , the essence of the pre-conference negotiations concerned the proportion of territory the Turkish authorities in occupied Cyprus were willing to cede to what would effectively become the Greek area in a federal republic ( early indications being that they were prepared to concede no more than 9 per cent of the occupied area ) , and precisely how many refugees could return , out of some 180,000 Greeks Cypriots who fled following the Turkish invasion .
19 How many lorries can you count , how many lorries can you count ?
20 How many lorries can you count , how many lorries can you count ?
21 I know how many lorries you can count , shall I sing it to you ?
22 How many lorries can you count , how many lorries can you count
23 How many lorries can you count , how many lorries can you count
24 How many lorries can you count mummy listen to us
25 How many lorries can you count , one , one , one , that 's all we can count , why do n't you jump instead of turning round
26 ‘ Do you know how many Stasi members there were ? ’ he asked suddenly .
27 ‘ I suppose you want me to tell you how many spelling mistakes he 's made . ’
28 Burying the faeces is another option , but how many holes can you dig in your garden ?
29 How many approaches you 've made , how many first interviews you 've made , how many referrals you 've got , yes ?
30 But it 'll tell you how many first appointments you 've had , how many fact finds you did , how many subsequent presentations , how many , how many sales you did in September ninety three , week , all the rest of it , and right at the bottom here it 's got the ratios , right , how many approaches to sales agreed .
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