Example sentences of "how you get " in BNC.

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1 You do n't believe me , so I suggest you go out to bat with this and see how you get on .
2 I think you have to see what the system is and then see how you get it to work for yourself .
3 ‘ Let me know how you get along . ’
4 I suppose that 's how you get old .
5 ‘ Well , Rifleman Willoughby , the Board will watch how you get on with some interest … and we 'll interview you again in six months ’ time . ’
6 The idea is gradually to introduce one or two of these ideas and see how you get on .
7 Let me know how you get on . ’
8 ‘ Now you 'll ride my horse and we 'll see how you get on .
9 Be aware of how you get down to the floor .
10 Ms K Brummitt from Birmingham is after a cheat for Dragon Ninja and wants to know how you get out of the factory in Robocop .
11 See how you get on .
12 If you did simply have a duff batch , try another dealer and see how you get on .
13 ‘ But I bring that up because you were asking about how you get back into it after that length of time .
14 It will give you a break from the restrictions that have been placed upon you and will enable you to see how you get on on your own !
15 Do n't forget that we are not necessarily recommending any of the therapies mentioned but we would like to hear how you get on if you try any of them .
16 See how you get on !
17 How you get a pension
18 How you get on with other people .
19 See how you get on with the following questions : if you answer " yes ' to one or more , then we have some further work to do in this area !
20 That 's how you get the bends because the oxygen nitrogen have dissolved directly into the blood .
21 In a place like that it all depends how you get on with the screws : some lasses did take hell .
22 They 're not hard once you understand what you 're doing how you get it because you 're sharing out but they 're probably the most awkward when you 've got mixed whole numbers counting numbers and fractions all in together .
23 and see how you get on .
24 It 's quite interesting sometimes how you get a question back or you get closer to the young people as a result .
25 Quite apart from introducing the problem of just how you get the document to the bureau in the first place ( we know of people who have extra hard disks for just this purpose ) the time it takes to run such a document through an imagesetter can be significant in the extreme .
26 No it just feels as though like You know how you get summat stuck in your throat ?
27 Now , try that one and see how you get on . ’
29 ‘ Leave my things alone , or is that how you get your thrills , pawing women 's underclothes ? ’
30 ‘ That 's how you get things done .
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