Example sentences of "how [noun prp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I keep remembering the last night we were here — same hotel and all — and how Matt and I went out and got stinko-paralytico together and ended up doing the Zorba dance and got thrown out and Matt pointing at me and saying to the waiters Hey do n't you recognize Mista Rick from Parkway Peninsula and they did n't and made us pay for the plates .
2 How Brampton and Vechey had probably not committed suicide but been murdered and that Allingham 's supposed death from natural causes was probably the murderer striking again .
3 Rather desperately , Celia steered the conversation round to her and Brian 's new house in the country , how Alison and Geoffrey must come and stay , that they would be less than fifty miles apart ; while Alison , obviously thankful to turn to less delicate matters , regaled her with a description of all she had been doing in her garden and some rather dull anecdotes about the neighbours whom Celia and Brian had met on their last visit .
4 During five days of evidence , the jury heard that during the two weeks previous to the fire , the three men had been heard in an Oban pub discussing burning the house and how Ferguson and Vennard talked about the splitting of the insurance money .
5 The jury heard how Ferguson and Smillie collected two five-gallon drums of diesel from Oban railway pier on the day of the fire , 12 May last year , and were seen delivering it to Ferguson 's house .
6 McLaren felt they could work together , and he started raising money on another project , to be entitled The Great Rock ‘ n ’ Roll Swindle — a documentary history of how McLaren and the Sex Pistols had taken the record industry for a ride .
7 It is only confusing to shift from the intellectual argument to how Freud and others acted .
8 At much the same time ( c.1053-4 ) , a monk of St Wandrille was similarly including in his Inuentio et Miracula Sancti Vulfranni an account of how Edward and Alfred took refuge in the Norman court , were welcomed by Richard II , and treated as his sons .
9 In that case , it 's difficult to see how Rocky and Strach could both play without re-organizing the team .
10 Nor would he go into detail about the method of murder although detectives had earlier disclosed how Walker and Collier , both HIV-positive , were killed .
11 His first record was released in June 1964 when he was managed by Les Conn , who remembers how David and Marc Bohan would redecorate his office between gigs , and David 's first television appearance when he refused to cut his hair .
12 His speciality is fifteenth-century Italian painting , but an exhibition on that theme is an impossibility nowadays , as very few institutions will lend panel paintings , so he has chosen to examine how Giorgione and Titian defined Venetian painting throughout the sixteenth century : ‘ Titian , of course , lived to a great age , dying in 1576 , but although Giorgione died in 1510 , his influence is also pervasive ’ .
13 I told Big Ben all about the hijackers , Danny being in the refrigeration unit and how Jean and I were following them .
14 It will be crucial how Redman and Etheridge perform in the line-out against London 's Ackford and Edwards .
15 He had explained about Ari , vehemently disagreed with Zambia 's suggestion he should make himself known to the girl , and tortured himself out loud with conjectures about how Roirbak and Leila might , at this very moment , be destroying Ari 's abilities beneath their feet .
16 Bryan Keith-Lucas describes how Sidney and Beatrice Webb began an analysis of English local government with a preliminary chapter on pre-1835 arrangements .
17 The view is great , but the bed is small ; no matter how they feel about each other , I wonder how Elena and Barbara sleep , or whatever , together in it .
18 Through ethnographic research set in Albany , New York , a team of anthropologists from Queen 's University , Belfast , will investigate the range of beliefs and practices connected with Ireland that are current among Albany 's Irish-American population ; how Ireland and ‘ being Irish ’ in America are represented in everyday life , how they are distributed over the generations , and they may vary along socio-economic dimensions .
19 When you asked how Tom and the children were , you must have thought it odd that I told you what Tom , and Alison and Cheryl were doing without really mentioning Peter .
20 We know how Wills and Harry must feel
21 We never learn how Sya and Sohy have raised the money to come to Britain any more than we discover how the unemployed thespian lodger pays the rent .
22 The next question used the same factors and asked how Ernst & Young compare to the respondent 's expectations .
23 ‘ And I would like to get in touch with the hospital — to see how Liz and Owen are getting on . ’
24 ‘ Such a middle-class way of carrying on , ’ she thought , and remembered how Gabriel and she had revelled in roast beef and two veg , and concocted casseroles of liver and sausages and baked beans .
25 In particular , an investigation is proposed to establish how HNCs and HNDs might be incorporated into the general SVQ framework at level IV .
26 In the final sad years of the S&D , it vividly shows how the Western Region inexorably killed off the line and how Norman and his station staff were at the forefront of the fight to save the route .
27 One year he produced a comic sketch called The Magic Hotel or How Tommy and his Uncle Herbert Spent a Quiet Night .
28 The tournament had attracted the media of Spain , Germany , and the United States , whilst in Japan and Australia golf addicts would be watching their TV sets in the middle of the night to see how Otaki and Coleman were doing .
29 And I do n't really see how Zacco or anything else is going to stop me .
30 In the last chapter we described how Bob and Joan Halton had been drawn together — had ‘ chosen ’ each other — by an unconscious preoccupation with handling their emotional greed .
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