Example sentences of "one never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They may have even been friendly but I remembered the old saying , ‘ On a dark lonely road , one never meets a friend ’ . ’
2 Pei 's generosity with space , the fact that one never feels oppressed by ceilings ( as I always do at Lasdun 's National Theatre ) , reveals him as a distinctive architectural sculptor .
3 Herbert was there too and wrote the same day that ‘ It 's heavenly here — the air is wonderful and one never feels tired … ’
4 One never feels like a stranger or some visiting curiosity .
5 I do n't know how no one never got killed .
6 and the other one never got back , he said he 'd ring up to eleven o'clock last night , half past ten
7 Yes , an and one never likes , er , the minute they 're in the door , to say , when are you actually going ?
8 I 'm afraid I have n't a spare copy to forward to you even on a loan basis , one never allows for the contingencies which arise .
9 Indeed it may well be that a claim for contribution in respect of exemplary damages is not within section 1(1) on the facts of this case , so that one never gets to section 2 in relation to such a claim .
10 He would dwell on the unfailing courtesy and forbearance under provocation ( which I myself have had cause to admire ) ; nor would he ignore , as being unworthy of mention , that equally unfailing sartorial elegance ( stamped indelibly on the memory if one never saw him again ) which makes J.B.S. , as it were , a living reproach to the slovenly habits of our inelegant age .
11 Aristotle believed that matter was continuous , that is , one could divide a piece of matter into smaller and smaller bits without any limit : one never came up against a grain of matter that could not be divided further .
12 One never knew .
13 One never knew , did one ?
14 One never knew , with men .
15 One never knew what she was going to do next .
16 Palaeo-biological precedent dictated such an organ be housed in Gavin 's ample rear , and have responsibility for his lower limbs — not to say urges — rather than his arms , but then one never knew , and I reckoned Gavin 's modest forebrain — doubtless fully occupied with the post-modernist sub-texts and tertiary structuralist imagery of Red Heat — could probably do with all the help it could get .
17 No indeed , one never knew quite what to expect from the gentry .
18 She glanced at Luke apprehensively , knowing that he was mature enough to control his dislike of Florian — but probably only as long as Florian refrained from being provocative ; if he did n't , and one never knew with Florian , Luke might say or do anything .
19 There was always that slight excitement and uncertainty about living in a London parish — one never knew who might turn up in church on Sunday .
20 Carrington had been advised to keep himself as private as was possible , as one never knew who might be paid by the Abwehr , and neutrality as a concept was very fraught .
21 He was in this office a fortnight ago saying that it was about time as his father was getting on and one never knew , et cetera et cetera …
22 We should be three very gay companions , we could make excursions , the sort one never ventures upon alone .
23 If one never forgets that chub are , in Isaac Walton 's words , ‘ the most fearfullest of fishes ’ , then the rest is comparatively easy .
24 She was the Amtrak commuter line that one never catches .
25 One never had to go far in search of the movies ; like the masses themselves they were rapidly achieving ubiquity .
26 No special dress was needed and one never had to feel that one was on show or in any sense making a public appearance .
27 One never seems to catch up . ’
28 So as one goes down the stratigraphical column , if one leaves behind the spectacles of the specialist and looks about one with the wondering eyes of a child , one never ceases to be amazed at the diversity and yet the uniformity of it all .
29 One never has an excuse to be free .
30 It always used to be the case that one never did chemistry until the secondary school level .
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